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not the famous anthropologist.

trophy wife • “pretty all right” stepmother • small-time gaza aid-pusher • armenia poster • kitten waystation • unemployed librarian • aspiring wastrel

true enough but also speak for yourself, lady, i’m in my milf era and it is not bad!
i am SO SORRY you got uh violent death threats instead! it feels extra creepy how they just flipped from milquetoast to rage
there is so. much. dommymommy straight porn. seems like a LOT of cishet dudes want an older woman with a huge rack to boss them around
and here comes lil baby TCS to help you heal ❤️
um. let me do some research on that , actually. i’ve never knit dog wear but i do have a lot of red yarn sitting around. and the same weight in gray for the hammer & sickle, yes yes it’d be a new challenge, but i always knit for my friends’ babies, and “babies” is a broad umbrella…
yes! i’m so excited for you! feeling secure and settled (and air-conditioned) enough to support a little dog, that’s a good place to be
the ideal size for a dog. not comically small, not so big you can’t pick her up in a pinch
YES it is one of my favorite things, when people have a new pet and everything they do is magical and amazing, even the annoying stuff. plus she is as cute as a button, just a commie girl and her commie dog walking down the street, plotting against the capitalists. bet she’ll look great in red lol
ohhhhh now the baby has baby, this is Good
i am sure she is the best baby!! i cannot wait till you deluge us with photos of puppy and plants and all the smol things you’re caring for and loving. your power is going to increase like tenfold, a full heart is a mighty heart
oh but speaking of plants you might want to give this a look to see if you have any that should go on a no-puppies shelf (i use & recommend the list for cats all the time, it’s reliable)
Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List - Dogswww.aspca.org
this one!
This Bsky account is the scammer who tried to extort money from Palestinians with GFMs. This account seems to have been closed now that they were outed. It’s expected that they would probably make another one.
whoa, that ratcheted up fast. like on saturday it was posting the most mid, dull hasbara, i made a VERY GOOD JOKE about having a sabbath goy at the hasbara offices. this is — not the tone they were taking on saturday. christ.
richie deals erasure, that's fucked up someone tell rachel news there's a story to report
the whole thread is WILD. i saw that account this morning and pointed it out to miranda like, wtf??????
indeed! i believe there's also a library on it? most i don't recognize so i wouldn't be able to comment, but someone who has been the subject of targeted harassment, who has never involved himself in any internecine US-media-centric discourse, now sits accused of leading a harassment campaign? how??
it's very confusing that the GFM is real but all the images are fake and the account here is behaving badly. i don't like it.
i've seen Too Much, you know? like i don't know what the gangs that use trafficked people as slave labor to run scams are up to! maybe this is just a couple people trying to get lucky; maybe it's something more sinister! i'm half-joking, but still!
yes! yes!! (soba soba soba soba)
begging your pardon, but what on earth is abdulalrahman doing on this "cauterize" list? he's a young palestinian man living in gaza; he posts about his life, and follows 1.4k accounts because of his family's GFM campaign. he's been the SUBJECT of a harassment campaign; he's certainly never LED one.
"inbox me"! they all say "inbox me"! i saw one over the weekend and may have replied, "ARE YOU A SCAMMER OR HAVE YOU BEEN TRAFFICKED TO RUN SCAMS? BLINK TWICE IF IT'S TRAFFICKING THERE ARE ORGANIZATIONS THAT CAN HELP YOU." they said "ok" and then 10 minutes later the account was gone.
anyone with, like, 1 follower who wants to "help you gain traction on your fundraiser" is a scammer. anyone who does this to palestinians is, as dina says, a murderous scammer. i had 3 this morning! so did @imad3.bsky.social! waiting for this site to recognize the difference btw scams & humans.
he does NOT like any kind of woman. gender/size/race/ethnicity/class doesn't matter, he's a creep and a jerk.
he is! he ghosted a friend of mine after five dates like 10 years ago, so everything he's done since then is just more proof of his being a total dick. looks like i'm holding that grudge a while longer.
Reposted byAvatar mɛverly
I made this into a proper response to the absolutely misplaced calls to "turn down the heat": newrepublic.com/article/1838...
My first thought this morning after I remembered the news was how many people over the last few years have put their bodies between armed far right guys and kids going to the library or a bookstore
Where Were Calls for De-Escalation When Libraries Were Being Targeted?newrepublic.com Trump’s fans seem determined to blame this shooting on their victims.
ANCA quietly deleting every grateful press release about him on their site. (he did push for the federal govt to recognize the armenian genocide, but we all know that was nadine's doing.)
I don't believe in karmic justice, but sometimes the universe accidentally works out
"KRISTI NOEM SHOT A DOG" redux, when she's guilty of far worse and longer-lasting crimes against ND's Indigenous people—all(?) the reservations in the state have banned her—but worse i suspect best you might get is "an innocent animal was used as a weapon against a disabled Indigenous man." 😶
i can't believe it took me this long to recognize that our jamal is a sensitive autumn boy. let's please get him that remaining 12k so he and his family can evactuate to safety! gofund.me/a625d5ba (after that, we figure out how to get him to paris in early november)
I wish I could walk on a street with beautiful lights, a cool atmosphere, and a bright bridge, and I could walk wearing my coat and a beautiful smell and forget all this blood and destruction.