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As a medical editor, language - usage - lexicography - culture - memes - all meet someplace. And that place appears to be my desk.
The number of bad hot takes this morning [fans self] Lawdy.
It... did not go well for me. As often happens, some of the stories were on my radar, but not the specific detail the quiz was looking for. On the bright side, it's W.E.E.K.E.N.D. Cheers!
Wouldn't read it that way. The platforms are being careful.
Apocalypse Now, Voyager
Overheard: “It’s like the gangster’s credo: If it doesn’t make dollars, it doesn’t make sense.”
It's often been said that the Negroni is Italy's sole contribution to the cocktail lexicon. I tend to concur.
I've never forgotten. The president's daily schedule began to simplify until every day was a carbon copy: "The President will have many important meetings and phone calls." This was shorthand for watches TV all day and tweets about it.
True. His schmuckery aside, he does give some insight into the weird Maga mentality. They see with their own eyes that they're losing the culture wars. Their attempts at art and humor fall flat. So they've gone on the attack, banning books, changing laws, trying to reclaim a mythical past.
I checked, several papers are running it, Newsweek too. The full proceedings. The larger ones won't be able to sit on it for long.
The NYT and WaPo ought to be pushing this.
Spotted in a question thread on Reddit: "How do British people pronounce the band name ZZ Top?" I'm still laughing.
It starts when someone stands up
AOC has initiated impeachment proceedings against the 6 SCOTUS clowns. May 534 flowers bloom.
Except for number 1 and number 3, I wholeheartedly concur. Which is not to gainsay you in any way whatsoever. We all have our preferences. This is a solid list. No one would be dissatisfied by watching any of them. For those two mentioned, I'd replace with Reservoir Dogs and Apocalypse Now!
Oh, this is definitely a "lesser of two evils" situation. Comparing the two candidates, it's a no-brainer, but that's not to say the Democratic choice is good. Only that he's the better option.
M: Memento O: O Brother, Where Art Thou? V: V for Vendetta I: In Cold Blood E: The Exorcist
I’ve been saying the same thing. Incumbancy is incredibly powerful.
Currently test driving this one. So far, I'm liking it.
Looks fine and sounds excellent. Every year I order a shipment of fresh Hatch chilis for making things like this.
I understand the military is prepping a lot of EVs right now. Not combat vehicles, but those in support roles. Among other things, they don't have a heat signature like internal-combustion engines.
Yick. That quiz didn't feel crushable to me—in fact, it did all the crushing. I came in behind the average and the staffer. Good luck, quizzers!
I had the Khomeini dartboard.
For the kind of cooking I do, like this Szechwan Chicken stir-fry, these chilis have the correct flavor profile. Jalapenos and habaneros are possible, but not quite right.
My Thai bird chilis are coming in strong. Scoville unit heat level? Unlimited.
Given that it takes about 10X the amount of energy to execute a GPT query than a Google search, I think a best practice is to not use GPT for any task that is an easy Google. AI is best for things a search engine can't perform.
My HS German teacher went to Germany and visited a mountain village. She said everyone spoke like Peter Lorre. Freaked her out. Then, in the town square, she saw a statue of Lorre. Turns out he was the local boy who made good.
I read some of this, and can verify that the author knows his business.