Medieval Murder Maps

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Medieval Murder Maps

Medieval Murder Maps give insights into violence and justice in late medieval London, York, and Oxford.
Did you know that Medieval Murder Maps is on Bluesky? You can follow the account at
If you need me within the next 72 hours I will be here, in this medieval murder map. "Users can click through the back stories of more than 300 murders in the English cities of London, York and Oxford. Entries are searchable by gender, day of the week and even weapon (pole-axe or crossbow?)"
Who Killed the Innkeeper With a Sword in 1315? A map pinpointing hundreds of homicides in 14th-century England could help teach medieval history.
Discovered this project today thanks to a Dutch radio show. This is a fabulous project and also makes me think that classical Athens and Rome deserve their own murder maps? AncientBlueSky 🏺
Warm welcome to She helped create the Medieval Murder Maps!
Hello! I have just joined Bluesky thanks I am a historical criminologist, working on crime and criminal justice from 1300 to present. Particularly interested in changing legal and social perspectives on violence, and how they intersect with gender, race, and class.
Have spent way to much time on this morning imagining dudes in hose and liripipe hoods scampering around whipping out bows and arrows to settle disputes down the pub.
1) Mapping homicides using 14thC coroners' rolls. Check out Maps for London, York, & Oxford 2) The role of women in 19thC working-class communities on family planning, and their relationship with male medical practitioners. Great idea, thanks
Bluesky academics, let's get to know each other! Quote this & tell me: 1) a project you are working on & 2) an odd idea/theory you aren't working on but keep thinking about. Here's mine: - Whether we can have statehood without inhabitable land. - The legal-philosophical symbolism in Wagner's Ring.
More from the Medieval Murder's wonderful!!
: this morning, my best friend (calling): hi! what are you up to? me: medieval murder map. her: extremely on brand. me: want me to dramatically read one to your kids? her: definitely.
Warning: a very, VERY addictive website detailing medieval homicides in London, Oxford and York - maps, stories, stats and all. Such a beautifully executed (pun intended) project. 💀🗡️🎓
Warning: a very, VERY addictive website detailing medieval homicides in London, Oxford and York - maps, stories, stats and all. Such a beautifully executed (pun intended) project. 💀🗡️🎓
We have just joined Blue Sky. Many thanks to
Warning: a very, VERY addictive website detailing medieval homicides in London, Oxford and York - maps, stories, stats and all. Such a beautifully executed (pun intended) project. 💀🗡️🎓
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