Logeion Greek-Latin

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Logeion Greek-Latin


Greek & Latin linguistics, philology, gadgetry; check out Attikos & Logeion (stress -ei-) in App Store; or http://logeion.uchicago.edu and http://perseus.uchicago.edu (Philo4Classics). Occasionally at voices.uchicago.edu/logeion
Can you guess the word whose collocations we are looking at here? Tool in development, but new widgets working out of the box are fun..
Wholesome thread😎
people who have taken my workshops have said things like: "inspirational!" "the best and most practical faculty development workshop ever!" and "shall we go get a drink before dinner!"
@kholob.bsky.social can’t really blame the people doing data entry!
There is a 7 foot tall guy behind Rishi Sunak who likely ran for office just to be able to hold a printed out L behind him during his concession speech.
Clearly part of the longstanding campaign to put the NYT pitchbot out of business🤡
As @emptywheel.bsky.social said, they published this “voting doesn’t matter” editorial on July Fourth. Shame on them. American independence was declared—and won—by people who gave a damn. And worked for what they won.
I’m predicting piñata sales will be up for this 4th of July. h/t Athens democrats..🪅🪅🪅
Wading through morpheus output, fighting the good fight.. 😭 Keeping my mind off the real world diasters, so that's good (maybe)!
Must be nice to have choices
Chicago, renowned for its architecture, no? 2024 home construction: hold my Pinot Grigio!
Chilling pictures that make you want to go sync your stuff to GitHub this morning, if not yesterday. 💔
Alas, it flooded in the #DigitalHumanities Center, inc our podcast studios. We covered what we could (it’ll be a day+ before it stops pouring buckets). We’ll assess damage later. Cleanup crews are in place & the electrician is searching for live circuits. It’s much worse elsewhere in the library 😭
Sometimes XML markup makes you miss the obvious meaning - need to take the tags less seriously (in this case, added by scripts in a distant past, after all) and just read the text itself. (Then, edit the tag).
Oh my. What a lovely gift in the mail.
Breakfast watching Giro d'Italia in my favorite part of Italy..
Updated Aristophanes Wasps in a theater near you..
The U.S. government is suing "approximately one Terrier mix type dog."
A plea: do leave your email address (maybe a burner?🙃) if you report a parsing issue. Recently someone wrote in with a correction for ἔτραφες. No, it _is_ a verb in the active voice. This 'second' aorist ἔτραφον is intransitive.
Dictionary headwords will vary from dictionary to dictionary. Sometimes a dictionary is the only one to feature the word in _any_ spelling; sometimes it's simply one dialect form chosen over another. This can lead to panicky reports from Logeion users: I'm only seeing Spanish (/Dutch/Chinese)! (1)
Just updated to Mac OS Sonoma beta 14.5 and guess what, the polytonic Greek is still garbage. 😩
This would baffle Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon for a good six or seven chapters in The Da Vinci Code
My father-in-law has just discovered the worst piece of cover design ever.
This is the school I attended and these are the people who worked to make sure students like me felt welcome and comfortable in a space so I could grow and thrive
every major AI innovation always turning out to just be "some guy secretly doing it", undefeated
I knew it!
Today visited the museum of touch / tactualmuseum.gr for a crash course in Greek sculpture. Recommended also for those who are fully sighted.
Greetings from Greece! It's Humanities Giving Day at Chicago. You might even be able to put Logeion in a memo line somewhere, and be as delighted I was today, reading random inscriptions in Olympia. givingday.uchicago.edu/pages/humani...
Committed a minor vandalism today. Before and after pictures.
Testing testing: anyone know about this structure on the E4 hiking path close to Delphi?
SSRN is one of the largest open-access repositories of scholarly articles, mostly social sciences and law. It's owned by Elsevier, an evil company which is in turn owned by a hedge fund. 17 papers on SSRN contain the phrase "as of my last knowledge update" indicating they're regurgitated AI.
Grateful to contributors as always, but this has been great!