
Dear Reporters, If you’re interviewing a theocrat who says “all our laws are based on the Ten Commandments” and you don’t immediately ask them to provide evidence and examples for that laughably stupid claim, just go ahead and quit your job.
Only 3/10 are illegal at all (murder, stealing, false witness), and the constitution goes out of its way to ensure laws /can't/ be based on several others. Such a dumb claim
Adultery used to be illegal & I'm pretty sure they want things to be that way again.
But only for the women. Heaven forbid the preacher man have consequences for where he puts his body parts while married.
Nah, I had a grandfather who was criminally tried for adultery in Massachusetts... and he was a reverend
I was addressing the second half snarkily. With some knowledge of how adultery laws have worked in various places over time, where it was technically illegal for both parties, but men had far more latitude for action written in the law. Future is inflected by the past but doesn't directly mirror it.