
Dear Reporters, If you’re interviewing a theocrat who says “all our laws are based on the Ten Commandments” and you don’t immediately ask them to provide evidence and examples for that laughably stupid claim, just go ahead and quit your job.
Only 3/10 are illegal at all (murder, stealing, false witness), and the constitution goes out of its way to ensure laws /can't/ be based on several others. Such a dumb claim
Adultery used to be illegal & I'm pretty sure they want things to be that way again.
But only for the women. Heaven forbid the preacher man have consequences for where he puts his body parts while married.
Nah, I had a grandfather who was criminally tried for adultery in Massachusetts... and he was a reverend
I was addressing the second half snarkily. With some knowledge of how adultery laws have worked in various places over time, where it was technically illegal for both parties, but men had far more latitude for action written in the law. Future is inflected by the past but doesn't directly mirror it.
God forgave him. All seven times (well, eight. Okay, nine, but that was just the tip). He's good.
There was a case in NY maybe 15 years ago? But it was a couple that were having sex in a park during the day, turns out the woman was cheating on her husband. They were both charged IIRC don't recall how it turned out. But adultery is still illegal in NY
The 1st Commandment and the 1st Amendment are diametrically opposed.
You can also go the opposite way, “we have state taxes, which commandment is that based on?”
"Thou shalt not jaywalk" must've been on the tablet that Moses dropped
One of the plagues was really a sophisticated Ponzi scheme.
People who claim this kind of thing always baffle me. You can't tell right from wrong on your own? Only in some religious context? You don't have your own moral compass, you just borrow one and go based on vibes from there?
"I murder all I want, and the amount I want is zero" - Penn Jillette on this
Some of them are telling on themselves, yes. But I think something that is never mentioned is that evangelicals have an extremely bleak view of human nature. They think people are generally evil and need God's moral constraints.
I'll trust someone who operates in good faith with their own flawed moral compass vs someone who strictly adheres to someone else's moral compass. And it's not even close.
I generally agree, with the caveat that each person doesn't need to reinvent the wheel, and if you truly *need* a set of rules to not steal or kill, by all means use it.
While I don't think everyone needs to reinvent the wheel, I think there's value in kiddos stealing a toy and finding out it felt yucky when their friend got sad. Sometimes you have to skin a knee to understand that skinning knees sucks and should be avoided. But at a high level I get you and agree.
In writing this I'm understanding that one extension of this is "hardship is necessary for goodness" which I absolutely don't agree with. So I'll take this on the chin and say my worldview does need a little refining, but I'm ok with being a work in progress.
Sure and for the non-fundamentalist traditions, experience helps form the conscience, which for most of them is an actual practice, because a.) you need to know how to prioritize conflicting moral directives and b.) Jesus said very plainly that the basis of morality is love of God and neighbor.
Well…there are a lot of rich people who think stealing other kids toys and bankrupting them to get it back feels great. But then again, there’s also a lot who do that but still think they’re obeying God
Every accusation is a confession, amirite?
I've met countless Christians who have told me straight up the only thing preventing them from going around raping and killing is a fear of God.
I sometimes wonder how folks like that would have developed in an environment where they got to forge their worldview via interaction instead of instruction. I'm not saying it'd be any different, but I often wonder.
one quote had the politician saying the 10 Commandments were the first laws, from Moses, and I would like to have asked the gentleman if he had heard that Moses in those same scriptures was said to be from Egypt, i.e. already existed, and had laws, b/c that seems a pretty big part of the Moses story
The Code of Habmeraubi? Babylon? Shamash?
right but I gave an example from the *same* text!
I (or more accurately Handy) is yelling at these morons, not you.
I always wondered if the cow was supposed to be the Man-Eating Cow. Only because I thought MEC only ate bad people.
They weren’t allowed to copy the comic characters to the cartoon so I think it was just an evil cow. And Josef Stalin (grad student)
At least back in the day, Christian theologians had the decency to argue that what made Moses' law distinct was that it was more gracious or something.
obviously for folks that believe that way you could just say well these were given especially by god, but no they have to go much farther and pretend like Moses began the first ever civilization
Cecil B. DeMille brainwashing an entire generation by yelling about "THE BIRTH OF FREEDOM" over his movie "The Ten Commandments".
lol this fucking subliterate yahoo doesn't even mention exodus, leviticus, or judges. just vibes-based biblical literalism
Ooo a great turn of phrase - vibes-based biblical literalism - nice!
Right? Does he think the Ten Commandments are from Genesis? What laws does he think are based on Genesis? Thou shalt not look back when fleeing Sodom?
“Thou shalt not engage in contacts, combinations or conspiracies in unreasonable restraints of trade.”
“You wouldn’t steal MANNA would you?”
Jesus copied the heck out of those fish and loaves don't forget
Sued in Judean Court for taking profits from big Fish and Loaf
Wait did Jesus violate the Prime Directive with a replicator?
But as the trinity is singular, he already owned the IP for all of creation, so it's fine.
Moses gave away water from a rock *twice*. In two different books.