
All intensive care patients at al-Shifa Hospital have died, according to the facility’s director: ‘We are left with nothing, no power, no food, no water. With every passing minute, we are losing a life. Overnight we lost 22 persons.’
‘All ICU patients’ dead in al-Shifa amid Israel raid: Hospital Al-Shifa director says at least 22 people died overnight at the complex, and 55 in three days.
I'm so enraged by this.
Yes but have you considered that any one of those ICU patients could have been a Hamas command center?
Clearly the machine beeps were secretly code. /s (I hate all of this but if I don't joke, I will curl up on the floor and scream internally and that doesn't help anything.)
They were situated above a Hamas command center. These kinds of takes are aging poorly.
Excellent reason to murder everyone inside a hospital, not that we needed any justification in the first place.
The last time you said this I asked for your thoughts on the situation in general and you went to ground. What proof is there that it's a Hamas control centre? No independent verification has taken place. The IDF have a track record of lying. You are cheerleading the deaths of innocent civilians.
I don't have reproducible language to express my disgust at Hamas and Netanyahu & the IDF, nor the world leaders who are supporting Netanyahu continuing down the path he is on.
There’s nothing here another Hamas using the hospital. Irresponsible reporting.
*about autocorrect strikes again Love the range of responses from gaslighting to character attacks. Only raises questions about the folks doing this. Hamas has been using Shifa since at least 2014. Amnesty International complained about it. Also, rpgs are not medical devices.
Tunnels, caches of weapons, laptops with info about hostages… but that’s not the worst part about what was found at the Shifa site. Yesterday, a body of a woman who was kidnapped was recovered. Today, a second body was found. All of the respondents here should pause and think.
Hamas was using Shifa (and Rantisi and Quds) hospital(s). This isn’t news. This activity has been reported in many news outlets of all stripes for a decade. The fact that Al Jazeera failed to do it raises questions about their reporting. Full stop.
Here’s the thing, friend: if a terrorist shithead picks up a helpless civilian to use as a human shield, and I go ahead and murder the civilian because killing the terrorist matters more to me than saving the civilian, I AM NOT THE GOOD GUY. How do you not get this?
Better murder the civilian’s whole family while you’re at it just in case. Their whole neighborhood too. There are totally circumstances under which genocide is justifiable!* *actually there aren’t and it isn’t a “character attack” to call someone out on being pro-genocide trash but here we are
False analogy. That is not what is happening. Please stick to the facts instead of making up false analogies designed to distract people.
I agree. You (and most of the other respondents here) are taking for granted that *both* Hamas and the IDF share responsibility for loss of life.
That terrorist is trying to kill me, my family, my people and destroy my homeland, but sure, I'll let him get away with it.
If terrorist shitheads pick up civilians as shield, I kill the civilians to get the terrorists, and a news outlet reports on my killing civilians *while intentionally censoring any mention of the terrorists,* then the I’m not the good guy but neither is the news outlet.
Here's what the NYT has to say about the matter Of course there are tunnels under Al Shifa hospital, the Israelis built them, it's a documented fact. The question is whether it was a Hamas command center, and so far it looks like the answer is no
If there is no Hamas presence in the hospital.... then with whom is IDF fighting there? 🤔🤔🤔
“So far the answer is no” is completely false based on already existing evidence.
No, that is not the question. They were storing weapons there. And that is a war crime.
I'm sure you would welcome independent assessments of the facility then and not that people blindly believe what the IDF say? People who champion the death of innocent civilians and over 2,000 children in the name of revenge really should stop and think.
I would welcome independent assessments. Absolutely.
And if they showed that the IDF are in fact lying, what will your view be on the current situation then? What is your view on the current situation and the force used by the IDF up to this point? Do you feel the deaths of the thousands of Palestinians are justified?
Israel wouldn't let observers go with them into Al Shifa. Israel doesn't want independent assessments.
And then the Palestinians stole your lunch money and pulled your pants down, right?
They gave him the dreaded Rear Admiral
Nobody who’s made up their mind about this slaughter is going to change it
This is so horrible. I have no idea How people can defend Hamas. These terrorists are to blame for eberything.
Oh, ok, that makes killing patients okay. Monsters
No, it makes Hamas responsible, in part, for their deaths. Hamas made a choice to use that facility as a base of operations. That choice indicates responsibility.
What concrete evidence is there that the hospital was being used by HAMAS? So far Israeli govt has posted a picture of “names of Hamas leaders” that turned out to be a CALENDAR. And a video from Lebanon as proof they’re using Palestinians as shields. USINT has stated they have 0 assets in Palestine
So there’s no way to verify or gather intelligence outside of what the Israeli government is telling us and so far they’ve been caught in numerous lies. So again, where is your concrete and verifiable intelligence?
Also didn't the IDF say that there were tunnels, but Hamas and the hospital filled them up with concrete and plastered the walls so perfectly they couldn't find them?
Your evidence is outdated. More evidence has emerged. I recommend looking more and emoting at strangers less
They always said it was a calendar and never claimed it listed leaders, but low-level hostage guards. There was a mistranslation, the guards marked a yellow X on the calendar, not their names, and the spokesperson got that tiny detail wrong, then immediately corrected it.