
Hey I’ve been spending more time over on the former Twitter trying to reconnect with folks who never made the move here. What are y’all talking about over here?
they make some good points
JK Rowlezal, Police-Americans, idk what else but that's just today 🤨
I'm constantly switching between my feeds so I be seeing random convos tbh lol
I deleted my account on the X🐦 just a few days ago. The followers I cared about gave me their email addresses or moved here. Tired of all the uber right-wing borderline Nazi posts being promoted on my feed and all the bots with random female pics.
That’s fair. I don’t have the same experience intensity-wise that many have with promoted posts or the bots, and it’s hard to do the email thing with whole communities of people. So for now, I guess I have to do double duty
Somehow you lucked out from the messed up logarithm. Do you pay them monthly? Elon Musk created this Tiered system that's actually very biased. Hopefully, people will take action and jump that sinking ship.
I don’t pay for Twitter, so it’s not that. I basically never do is read the For You tab, and I stay away from trending stuff unless it’s trending via Black Twitter. That might be the thing helping out. As for fully leaving, idk where my disperate communities would go? Especially Black folx?
It's all good, I see where you're coming from. I just know it has become very toxic with Elon and many people don't feel welcome anymore.