Nic, the Melaninated Magician (they/she)

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Nic, the Melaninated Magician (they/she)

35. Chicago. Weird stuff, Queer stuff, Black stuff, DEI stuff. Also other stuff. Not angry enough to be a socialist, too 🫳🏾 to be a moderate. Gender is a scam, so let’s try out they/she and see how that feels. DMs on Discord: melaninatedmagician
Anyway probably if you think you have any trans people who take T following you, please be kind and repost this. It is the first I've heard about it and I had to seek it out myself, I'd have been on this two weeks ago if I knew
Ahh this explains why I haven’t gotten my scrip from 2 weeks ago yet (though CVS just abandoned it, so trying elsewhere) if both the medications I need to live are going to be on shortage this year idk what I’ll do
Drug Shortage Detail: Testosterone Cypionate Drug Shortage Detail: Testosterone Cypionate Injection
Let’s see if Dua Lipa and Iced coffee is powerful enough to get me through today; I have doubts!
Hey I’ve been spending more time over on the former Twitter trying to reconnect with folks who never made the move here. What are y’all talking about over here?
Lol I got the results of this managerial assessment I did for work and one of my weaknesses is that I don’t care enough about the company. So we’re not working on that, right?
Idk why I waited so long this year to deal with my taxes but everything about this was a mistake based in hubris
Had a very cool dream last night that I lived with my parents again and also Ben Shapiro for some reason? Not sure what I was processing but I hate it.
Detailed explanation here of what is happening. Most optimistic scenario is that the missiles and drones are mostly intercepted and avoid civilian targets, allowing both sides to consider the matter closed for now.
This is true, but I would also say that the Israeli government seems particularly unconstrained right now.
I would remind everyone that this is not the first time we've all watched Iran and another power do some back and forth to reach a new political equilibrium and that unreliable reports proliferated then too
I’ve heard that some people find the politics of Civil War “confused” or engaged in both-siderism. They are not. Also the first movie in a long time that I just sat in the theater thinking about it while the credits rolled.
I need the world to calm down for a sec so that I can emotionally catch up from seeing Civil War, a very good and very intense film.
Fun question why the fuck am I acting like I'm not an old lady up way past her bedtime?
Challenge for anyone willing. Post a selfie right now at this moment. No filter, no edit just shoot and post. Just waiting for my TMS like a baddie does. Because I do that.
challenge for anyone willing post a selfie of you right now at this moment. no filter, no edit, just shoot and post. Last hr of shift is always hell
I’ll probably be in Louisville for a few days in August: what should I be checking out? I have basically no awareness of what goes on down there.
Not waiting for my friend with a car to by poster frames was a mistake, and needing to lug them around on transit during rush hour was a bigger mistake
I don’t think I ask for much, but right now I NEED a soft pretzel real bad.
I deeply need for people to stop saying that they don’t care about identity when they mean that they aren’t actively bigots
Watching Hellier for the billionth time and reading Crowley like the dumb ghoul that I truly am.
I posted this and then the bus chilled out. So like s/o deities for the whole not blowing up the Devon bus.
The bus is making a very unfriendly noise right now and I’m appealing to all the gods to have that calm down
The bus is making a very unfriendly noise right now and I’m appealing to all the gods to have that calm down
Great news everyone! I am ready to snap at the most minor inconvenience
Wow my brain is really in a dogshit place! Like full on rage over people being normal in public. The long meeting absolutely wrecked me.
Posting is millennial cigarettes. We all started doing it at thirteen to make friends and now we're all addicted and it's ruining our lives.
Turns out 2 hours is too long for a meeting. Who knew?
Someone come run this report for me I don’t wanna
Good job y’all! Now let’s get her the rest of the way there!
Today is also a good day to demand some sort of Robert Smalls biopic.