
The media isn't interested in the biggest technology story of the 2020s, the rapid transition to clean energy, because 1) it will destroy a bunch of oil based wealth and is a boring, competirive low margin business 2) it makes Democrats look good for helping it and they want Republicans to win
THERE’S A QUIET NEW DEAL GOING ON The antidote to Project 2025 is happening now and will die if Trump seizes power. So let’s make some noise.
Why is The Quiet New Deal so quiet? | the earlyworm Get more from the earlyworm society on Patreon
I am really trying to figure out how to consistently tell exactly this story in a compelling way, but it's challenging for a bunhc of reasons.
Interested in hearing what the problems you've been having are. The thing I hear a lot (because my audience on here is mostly left wingers) is denial or disbelief, because the news on this is so much better than anyone anticipated, and seems to make painful climate austerity unnecessary
I mean, I end up showing...a lot of charts? And the charts are great! There are ways to tell the story in other formats, not nightly cable news that I think would be awesome (and I"m actually working on), but the question of 1) visuals and 2) narrative tension/heroes-villains is tricky here
I don’t know if this is anything but I remember when a bunch of celebrities were campaigning for marriage equality and there was a funny musical number NPH did about how “there’s money to be made” (by divorce lawyers lol). How to make common sense and kindness be cool again and go viral 🤷‍♀️