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Latine, Italiano, ἑλληνιστί, and even my mother tongue when I can be bothered.
Ad finem Ciceronis de natura deorum perveni, et quid proximum sit seligendumst.
It is snowing snowing snowing still. Some “Spring” break this is.
Well, this is the present. Spring Break, huh?
Mi è piaciuto molto giocare lo scopone scientifico per la prima volta stasera da molti anni. :)
Havin’ our weekly D&D game on Mondays is wild.
Haud dormivi, sed in somnis praeterita visa sunt. Cerebrum, mens ista, res est insolita et mirabilis.
Socrates, scurra Atheniensium, ut Cicero de natura Deorum disserens fert, ab Zenoni vocabatur. Neque dissentire possum!
Merry(?) Ides of March for those who fetishize. ;) But seriously, I’m reading Suetonius all day with students too.
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Discipulos haud multos hodie docui propterea quod nonnulli ad scholas suas ire non potuerunt. Hoc vero mane nesciebam, itaque magis apud scriptoriam meam legebam quam soleo, sed exire et alia facere nequiebam. Manent igitur facienda post prandium.
Heri sub vesperi conventum ludi scilicet D&D duxi, et bene agebatur. Hodie vero fessus sum. Nihilominus tres discipulos docebo.
Oggi sto leggendo degli saggi dei miei studenti. Hanno scritto su questa statua:
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Latinus magister mi par esse deo videtur.
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The fact that any Teslas are allowed on the road and that the company has not been shuttered is among the larger if more mundane indictments that the corporate capture of our government is complete
It's easy to discount a lot of Tesla's terrible design choices as funny examples of Musk's idiocy, but there is a reason why cars have standardised gear shifting and mechanical door releases. Every Tesla like this should be pulled from the road permanently
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Personally, if we are still changing clocks when I’m at an advanced age, I plan to be one of the casualties who dies of exhaustion side effects of it in protest.
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It is my pleasure to announce the program for ResDiff5 (March 22, 2024), an annual digital conference addressing inequity in classics, which I co-organize with Joseph Romero. Keynote: Dominic Machado (
cum mula peperit, when a mule foals, i. e. never, Suet. Galb. 4.
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What a time to be reading William of Tyre’s account of the sack of Jerusalem with my Latin class. We did not treat the matter lightly.
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Reposted byAvatar Meletus
You never get to eat Zeno Salad because it's always /almost/ ready to go, but, wait, it just needs a little more tossing and maybe another ingredient.
Make up Ancient History inspired salad recipes, everyone. #history 🏺
Qui vix dormit, docere non debet sed qui non docet, non pecuniam accipiet. Quae cum ita sint, perferam et obduram per potentiam potionis arabicae. Quibus dictis, oportet quoque dicere omnes quibuscum hodie conveniam discipulos hilares atque industrios esse fortunate feliciterque.
Scholas per diem quattuor latinas ducam, deinde mensam ludi cui nomen “Carceres ac Colubri” sit, vulgo “Dungeons and Dragons” sub vesperi agam, nam locum apud tabernam quandam repperi.
The Bluesky discover tab really seems to want me to rediscover my love for German but since it has been a decade since I’ve done that seriously I’d rather not. But anybody got hot tips on how to train this app’s algorithm?
Librum priorem Ciceronis de divinatione perlegi heri nocte. Numquam non miror ea quae nonnulli Romani credebant. Hodie negotiosus sum, sed spero fore ut alterum librum mox perlegere possim.
Hodie autem quattuor discipulos docebo, ter latine ac semel graece. Fuerunt alii sed scholas suas intrare non possunt variis de causis.
The Minnesotan passive aggressive culture that is absolutely hilarious in a comedy sketch is absolutely terrible to encounter in the real world. The bar for what counts as confrontational is a tripwire, and god help you if you’re a women because it is a sink hole, I tell you what, ufda, etc.
Allora, oggi è il mio tempo libero per questa settimana. Avrò un lezioncina con mia insegnante Italiana stamattina, dopodiché preparerò una serata di Dungeons and Dragons per il nostro gruppo locale.