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Apparently complicated, skater, parent, gamer, occasional twitch streamer.
When "AI" gets it so wrong that it has to bring up 9/11 to distract from it's mistake.
Especially if you were saying "They won't do it" and "it's just to win the election" and "they don't mean it really". Labour always meant it, they are opposed to our existence, and you ignored the very people telling you they were like this.
If you voted labour I don't wanna have anything to do with you ever again. You will have the blood of trans kids on your hands. Those kids deserve so much fucking better than this cruel world
Those bricks?? Oh those are my emotional support bricks. Absolutely unrelated to the terfy madness of the government and NHS regarding trans people. Also unrelated, protest season is upon us... thinking stonewall thoughts.
I wonder if my two word Gemini breaker would be mitigated before Google acknowledge it.
It turns out reporting bugs and major issues with LLMs is just as frustrating if not more than reporting security bugs Vendors go through stages of denial, push back, silent fixes, and hand-wringing statements about safety, but acceptance? Not quite
Vendors' response to my LLM-crasher bug report was Fixes have been made, it appears, but disclosure or discussion is invisible
One step closer to eating the rich
I know the takeaway is supposed to be “oh no crime” but a gang of thieves that exclusively steals rich people’s fancy watches at high-end restaurants both: 1. is not an issue most people need to worry about, and 2. sounds like the work of a Batman villain called Clockface or something
Moped-Riding Thieves Frighten Diners at Upscale N.Y.C. In Williamsburg and Manhattan, robbers have stolen watches worth tens of thousands of dollars before fleeing on motorbikes.
Turns out you can buy a big birthday cake for any reason... Happy Wednesday!
It's such a trans icon game that the NHS is writing a new cAss report to get it banned.
I have a collection of bricks that others can take to use for things like doorstops and to help to open windows that have got stuck... by loosening the window frame obviously. I'd hate for them to just take up space.
If Labour don’t repeal the Tory ban on puberty blockers then it’s time to start throwing bricks. For the sake of trans kids.
Tried for 6 weeks to get company support to respond, silence. Filed at small claims court and suddenly they know who I am.
Reposted byAvatar Melissa
I started doing some movie comparisons between today and WW2, now I feel ancient. Add to this pic:- Gremlins, a Nightmare on Elm Street, Neverending Story, Last Starfighter, Karate Kid, Buckaroo Bonzai.
I'm not saying I'm a creature of habit. But depending on the time of day the staff at my local NHS hospital cafe know if I should get a vegan KitKat for my eldest. Nearly forgot today until they reminded me.
Reposted byAvatar Melissa
Jeff Minter's update of Tempest for Atari's Jaguar defined the entire platform. Play Tempest 2000 with additional perks like 60fps and analog controller support in #Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story, part of our #GoldMasterSeries of interactive documentaries. #MinterIsComing March 13!
Does the organisation you contact suffer from GDPR violations, ignored complaints, phone silence/voicemail, no response to emails for months...then you must be trying to contact the gender clinic.
The joys of NHS mental health services, CMHT says see CAP, who says see GP, who says see CMHT... Oh and the team on the letter from CMHT doesn't exist, and CMHT can't say why.
Reposted byAvatar Melissa
Tried to do an autism test. First question "Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction?" I need more context, what mood am I in? What time/day is it? Have I eaten? Who else is there? Where am I at the time? Turns out that I didn't need to answer anymore questions... That's good right?
On the verge of being flooded out. I'm really hoping the rain stops soon.
End of feed.