
Oh dang. I hadn’t actually read that, so I spent the morning reading it. That’s some good writing and connects a lot of dots. There were a few moments I had to stare into the distance and just say “fuck”. But, oddly, also a bit motivating.
I love signal. I use it everyday. I just wanted to point out something that could possibly used as a vulnerability. I could be wrong. when two individuals A and B talk with disappearing messages enabled and one of them has more than one device linked to their signal account .. (1/2)
when the second device (say a windows client) is opened then a barrage of ‘disappearing messages’ gets displayed for a 3-4 second window until the client gets synced. this could be a big risk, disappearing messages should be ‘disappearing messages’ and shouldn’t be displayed like that. (2/2)
Good to see you here Meredith 🫶🏾