Meredith Nudo 🀌🏻

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Meredith Nudo 🀌🏻

Voice actor. Comedian. Writer. Sometimes on purpose.


Booking: [email protected] | |

Art: Jeremy Martinez
Eerie pic from Freedman's Town yesterday. Looks like the steeple fell off and people moved it upright so it wouldn't block the street. I may try to dig around for the full story when things die down.
This is George O'Keeffe (aka actor and comedian Jack Keller) showing us his art, up for auction at the end of DisOriented. The money supports Montrose Grace Place! We still have a feeeeeewww tickets left! 9:30 p.m. at Station Theater tomorrow!
By the way, is performing in the Station Theater DisOriented variety show next Saturday and he had everyone singing and clapping along at rehearsal. You need to come watch. It's going to be a hell of a show!!
It's the United Gaytions. (For our variety show at Station Theater next weekend!)
One solitary fig has come to maturity this year so far. It's a bit smaller than they normally get on my tree, but not by much. Little Ruby is by design a bite-sized breed. We'll see how the remaining fruits fare. I have some comparatively chungus ones still ripening.
If this book was published today, the cover would add "Meredith Nudo on talking very loudly while flailing your hands."
Why would I need this, LinkedIn, when I have in my profile that I write professionally? Nothing the plagiarism bots you've partnered with can shit out will ever match even one quark-sized morsel of my power 😀 (Same with voiceover.) AI didn't get yaoi into the San Francisco Chronicle. Just saying.
It's more beautiful than I ever could've imagined. It belongs in the Louvre. Damien Hirst gazes upon its majesty and weeps.
When I say that I've been working on redecorating, I mean that I bought this to stand on top of my medicine cabinet.
Gonna science in style. Thanks for enabling me to look directly at the sun,, it was very responsible of you to sell these to me, who is very responsible, and I promise I won't abuse the privilege. (Just kidding I am totally going to challenge the sun to a staring contest.)
I still got to see him in all his teen cat glory this weekend, though 😭
I'm no longer kittensitting because he's gotten to be such a big boy now he doesn't need me to keep an eye on him during the day anymore 😭 This is the closest I'll get to sending a kid off to college. (By choice/finances. Please don't reassure me because that isn't the joke.)
So excited to be watching Hopera's CARMENcita at @EurekaHeights... DOUBLE excited that they got enough grants and donations and ticket sales to ensure cast and crew got a rate commensurate with local living wages for their labor. THAT'S HOW YOU DO IT HELL YEAH HOUSTON!!!
Got caught in the kitten nap vortex while sitting today, then I went home and got caught in my cat's nap vortex and man there's no sleep like kitten and cat nap vortex sleep.
I am kitten sitting during the day and this is the thanks I get...
The most relatable Livestock Show/Rodeo animals. (Don't worry, the chick is OK. Just exhausted from being born.)
This was at my polling place and I think it might be a more effective way to encourage the youths to do a heckin' democracy than stickers and the Eras Tour. (Kidding. This is Texas. voter suppression made it so that the youth have a difficult time PokΓ©mon Going to the polls.)
Happy Valentine's Day! If you are my friend, then you are my Valentine. I got you these photos of my cat as a present.
My first time making new year's black eyed peas. If I don't have good luck, then I'm going to write A STRONGLY WORDED LETTER to the entire concept of black eyed peas for good luck on the new year. At least I'm eating well.
You've heard of horse girls, now get ready for girls dressed as horses.
Make my wish come true. All I want for Christmas is [for] you [to stop nibbling my arm at 5 a.m.]
Who is on first. What're you askin' me for?! I'M askin' YOU... who's on first!?
Nothing makes me wish my budget matched my eccentricities like HMNS selling fossilized walrus dick bones for $3k.
My Christmas presents to myself this year were Dave the Diver for Switch and this adorable magnet from Space, but they didn't know who the artist was. How long until I start getting nautical tattoos?
I was left without adult supervision and ended up watching the "Walking on Broken Glass" video 7 times in a row and now I'm obsessed with Hugh Laurie's Duke Perplexington, Lord of No Thoughts, Head Empty Manor in Himboshire.
"Resume the cuddles, primate, or bites shall be administered."