
being the first generation to grow up online has done irreparable psychic damage to many millennials since mass culture is all on the same four websites now and thus many feel compelled to keep up with teen trends
Some Millennials in my timeline are insecure because Gen Zs are telling them their ankle socks age them. I can't stress enough that you don't need to care about what a bunch of 20-somethings think about your clothes, mainly bc you don't have to care about what ANYONE thinks about your clothes.
yeah to some extent you can tune that stuff out but the way that kids entertainment has become mass entertainment (star wars, marvel, etc) and that we're all interacting on the same platforms has given 30-40 year olds brain damage
it's fine to keep abreast of what younger people are into but there is nothing that makes you look older than trying to dress or act like a teen
i was wearing skinny jeans with ankle socks and a side part in my hair while sending reaction gifs to my friends on my phone when a pack of zoomers spotted me
I will never not have a side part, sorry my hair is stupid and only works that way.
This is why I only get blank tshirts in black, white, or gray now. That shit's immune to changing trends.
What if I dress like a teen from the 90s? Because I'm wearing cargo shorts, a Red Hot Chili Peppers t-shirt, and Kirby socks.
I like to tell myself, born in the 80s, that I am older than Homer Simpson. Even though I'm technically younger than Bart, I am now old and this grounds me.
It's so fucking weird to me hot topic has the same shit as 20 years ago. Nightmare before Christmas, animes, and Southpark
I would think that being forced to wear low rise jeans would have taught more millenials to wear what makes them happy
Oh is this not "in" right now? I guess I'll just buy the worst thing ever on Shein made in near slave labor conditions?
Embracing high waisted jeans has healed the part of me that was traumatized by the simultaneous proliferation of low-rise jeans and the term “muffin top”. I’ll button these things right up to my clavicle, don’t test me.
My husband thinks it's hilarious how tall my pants are but I NEED this after my teen years. I'm very happy for the girls who it worked out for but the rest of us suffered terribly.
high rise jeans came back anyway! all this shit is cyclical
I think we're back on the downswing but also it doesn't matter because there's just more shit in different shapes out there right now. It's a really dumb time to worry about what's "in" when the options are so much more vast
Absolutely not about to be bullied into wearing long socks on non-cold days, bffr
I assume anyone over 30 who is obsessed about what the young people think about them just wants to fuck 19 year olds
yeah it has broken people’s minds
Skinny jeans truly were a shonda and for that alone I feel like Millennials deserve whatever fashion-related suffering they're enduring from The Kids (who I do not otherwise support).
One of the unexpected benefits of the collapse of Facebook and Twitter is that I am far less in tune with pop culture trends now that I’ve deleted both accounts.
Ankle socks feel nice and cool in the heat. I wasn’t raised to use them, nor do I think I ever got peer pressured … I just concluded one day that, living in Florida, they were the best kind to buy