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She lurks
Reposted byAvatar Snamel
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Vance was Heritage's pick so don't forget about Project 2025, which proceeds apace
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I know people are saying not to spread conspiracy theories right now, but I would like to read them.
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Can't believe he did what he did but he died a martyr.
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speaking of people who missed their shot,,,,,,,,
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Heads up Pdx Fash March pioneer square. Now. They are packing guns. Stay safe
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Reposted byAvatar Snamel
going to keep pointing out golf uses a bit more in two days than microsoft, google, and apple combined use in an entire year turn golf courses into housing with a put-put course attached
here's a chart showing that Microsoft, the world's second-largest company by market cap, consumes ~6300 acre-feet of water per year, which is to say ~1.5 percent as much as alfalfa farmers in the Colorado River basin, or ~0.2 percent as much as Imperial Valley farmers
Seriously though why the fuck can't I sleep
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i summed up project 2025 in one sentence. feel free to use.
Reposted byAvatar Snamel
We need more, but credit where due: both The Nation (June 2024 issue) and Boston Review have run a breakdown of the Project 2025 “Mandate for Leadership” document. Media Matters, too. Lots of good work going on digesting this.
Where are the columnists who are experts in specific fields, breaking down what the Heritage Foundation + Trump want to do to each individual federal agency? E.g. I read the section dedicated to our intelligence agencies, and had to stop, since I was starting to feel a little nauseous.
Reposted byAvatar Snamel
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
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if i had to pinpoint the beginning of the internet's long decline i would say it's when "search-engine optimisation" became a thing burying the worthwhile beneath the profitable has been the death knell of every industry ever
Reposted byAvatar Snamel
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
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for Portland-area folks, here are resources from Multnomah County on dealing with the heat wave, including cooling centers - stay safe and hydrated
Help for When It's Information about cool spaces, cooling centers and other resources during the hot weather.
Reposted byAvatar Snamel
This photo is pure 2024.
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It's after 10. Quit the fireworks. I don't care if I sound old and grumpy.
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We're now experiencing a heat dome in Portland, and this will be the longest-lasting in our city's history. Notables: Friday: Upper 90s Saturday: 101 Sunday: 101-105 Mon: 100 Tues: 100 This is significant for so many reasons, and not just bc many people here don't have AC.
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as a politics knower I think the democrats should simply do the thing that makes it easiest to win, but also aligns with both all my prior posts and all my most panicked recent posts. this is very simple and obvious.
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Things are going very well when we've reached the "Don't worry, the military won't obey orders to kill civilians" stage of democratic backsliding. It's the sweet spot, where good things happen. Right where we want to be.
Reposted byAvatar Snamel
You have to vote for 99% Hitler against 100% Hitler. Now you have to vote for 99.5% Hitler. Now you have to vote for 99.75% Hitler. Now you have to vote for 99.875% Hitler. Now you have to vote for 99.9375% Hitler.
Large boulder the size of a small boulder energy
Hurricane Beryl is already a dangerous category 4. As climate changes, hurricanes are intensifying faster and becoming stronger and more dangerous … and this years season is just ramping up. More on how to prepare and stay safe (read down):
Hurricane Beryl becomes Category 4 storm on its way through Hurricane Beryl, a Category 4 monster that could intensify to Category 4, is expected to slam the Lesser Antilles islands with potential “life-threatening” impact.
Reposted byAvatar Snamel
and even if someone thinks "well I don't like/look at porn so why should it be a priority for me?" it's important to remember that when christofascists say "porn" they also mean age-appropriate comprehensive sex education, media with queer/trans people in it, and picture books about gay penguins.
I know smut may seem like a frivolous thing to be upset about, but crushing it is part of fascism. Controlling all forms of sexual expression is fascism. Only allowing certain kinds is fascism. Smut peddlers are always canaries in the coal mines.
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23 bottom surgeries a year and to put puberty blockers and hormones in perspective, the most recommended treatments beyond social transition, is only about ~1200 patients for puberty blockers a year out of ~50k kids seeking gender related care and less than 3000 patients receive hormones
I thought that surgery wasn’t typically recommended for minors, anyway? Isn’t this already the status quo even among providers of gender affirming care?
Reposted byAvatar Snamel
Every morning I check the news and it's like -SCOTUS Eliminates Three More Basic Rights, Only Six Remain -President Mispronounces a Word, Will Now Lose Election to Senile Hitler -New AI Company Uses Artist Blood to Let Billionaires and Racists Live Forever, Gets $45 Billion Valuation