🔻falcon-delivered al-Yassin 105 𓅃

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🔻falcon-delivered al-Yassin 105 𓅃


🇵🇸 Cymru, cyfridiaduron, a chommuniaeth
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Wales, Computing, and Democratic Confederalism.

Sioniaeth? dim diolch! 🌞
Zionism? No thanks! 🔻

he/him fe/o
Case in point that for the next few weeks that you're going to get a LOT of insufferable liberals who think the NFP is congruent with Biden.
Almost textbook Starmer behaviour here
What could have happened today if more candidates who came in 3rd had refused to drop out? Hint of an answer in the city of Aix. Here, the Macronist candidate refused to drop out. As a result, no front vs the far-right. Result: RN wins with 37%. Left at 36%. Macronists 27%.
France's (parliamentary) voting system essentially having tactical voting built in has given them a truly left wing govt. by a plurality of the electorate shattered 2 decades of media ideology that socialism is unpopular. The response by the media is "le pen's surge has toppled the govt' lmaoooooo
experiencing Americans cutting the line to get on a plane that isn't due to leave for an hour when people ahead of them aren't even on flights due to leave 10 minutes ago.
blue hoverhanding the arcade machine he's such a dad 😭😭😭
Pretty awesome Jeremy Corbyn won as an independent with grassroots campaigning and support from youth and POC voters. Definitely shows that pro-Palestine politicians who call out the genocide in Gaza can win
[Keir Starmer, messaging the front bench on whatsapp] I've just sort of rubbed my cock up and down and a bunch of grey slop landed on larry the cat. Help?
SNP losing their seats is both very funny and disappointing. Funny because they got exactly what they deserved for edging the Scottish people for a decade over a 2nd independence vote as well as randomly killing the green coalition, but also disappointing because those seats went to L*bour
Keith talking about his 2nd term because he knows it won't happen. It's to bring the party in line and let the banking sector know he's no threat to their profits
All you need to know about Zionism is that their "historical claim" to the land is closer to the borders of the crusader states than any basis in the Talmud or Bible
I envy guys who watch the tour de France I bet that's so fun if you get into it they all wear skimpy little shirts if they win a race and do drugs
Brits talking about visiting Florida gives me the same knot in my stomach as hearing someone talk about visiting Tel Aviv.
how labour voters have acted to trans people is exactly like this comic. The results could well be the same.
"I just don't think that's going to happen."
TIL that CharlieXCX is a landlord who uses profits from real estate sales to fund new properties, a legal method of tax evasion in the US
blocking anyone who veers even slightly away from "ironic" Kamala Harris posting. I see you ghouls
just convinced half a dozen people to vote green just as a fuck you to Keith.
U shud b able 2 buy novelty Epstein flight logs wit ur friends names in them
Fuck labour. All my homies hate labour
remember to bully labour supporters today. sore winners and absolute dangers all around
Genocide supporters spotted. Go back to Twitter dork
Kier Starmer tried to vote this morning but got his fingers trapped in the box which spooked him and started bucking wildly like a mad horse and had to be put down with hammers RIP so sad xx
According to Sky, the LibDems have ‘one last stunt’ ready for the end of the campaign.
According to Sky, the LibDems have ‘one last stunt’ ready for the end of the campaign.
the French have discovered a life hack called "if I put my car's emergency blinkers on then I can park it wherever I want indefinitely" I've seen cars parked in bus stops, blocking one way streets, in busy junctions. No fucks given