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Facilities management doesn't trust us to set the AC to a reasonable level on our own... They failed to account for our willingness to violate safety rules to get the AC to turn on and get us to a reasonable temperature.
Helmet laws only exist so that the media can make the deaths of cycling children a personal problem and not an infrastructure one
I'm sorry but at this stage, people who aren't committed to voting this November for the not-fascists are succumbing to the same mindset that influencers selling "natural" remedies to cancer patients peddle as good. Very unpleasant chemotherapy treatment sucks but is better than dying.
I’m a bus rider organizer. My greatest hits include “frequency is freedom”, “low ridership is not no ridership”, “offering paratransit is not the same as improving bus and bus stop accessibility” and “the baby is home with his dad tonight, who is also capable of parenting his child”
Hi, I'm an abortion journalist. My greatest hits include "that's not a 'heartbeat bill' that's an abortion ban," "what this random used car salesman thinks about abortion is wholly irrelevant," "not everyone who has abortions is a woman," and "you need to move this conversation to Signal"
Education day at Greater Nevada Field and they are advertising $2 Coors... Do you want drunk chaperones?
The short answer is Silicon Valley. The long answer is that Silicon Valley is trying to solve problems that either don't exist or have had a working solution for longer than Silicon Valley has existed.
Why Cars Today Nowadays, car tech has advanced to do just about anything: pedestrian detection, automated parking, even self-driving. All these advancements supposedly make...
But of course it is due to private equity getting involved.
Every article about Red Lobster filing for bankruptcy is "ha ha endless shrimp, what did they think would happen" and then buried ten paragraphs down is the usual:
dying pedestrian who just got hit by a car: oh my god i just got hit by a car i'm dying why is my city so unsafe to walk in motorist who won't be charged with manslaughter: don't worry, my car is electric! dying pedestrian: thank god, at least the lack of tailpipe emissions is good for the planet.
To a beautiful beach on Nantucket A Musk fan planned to Cybertruck it He drove onto the strand And got stuck in the sand So the owner was forced to say fuck it (Photos via the Nantucket Current @ACKCurrent)
Your suburbs are probably bankrupting your city and the fixes for it are really easy and still allow for a very suburban feel. It's time to start asking your city planning commissions and city councils why they aren't building properly.
Suburbs Are Failing Us (for now...) Check out our sponsor Brilliant for a fun and easy way to interactively learn new things with a 30-day free trial and 20% off an annual premium membership: It's time to rethink how we build the suburbs in the US. Learn more about how suburbs impact road safety, sense of community, and convenience in this next video: Help support Streetcraft to educate and inspire change in the built environment by becoming a member on Patreon: Shop Streetcraft merch here for urbanism & engineering shirts, stickers, and more: Check out Streetcraft on: References & More Info: Cost of Suburbs: Protecting Rural Sarasota: Mixed Use Development Location in Sarasota: Sarasota 2050 Plan: Chapters: 0:00 Old Miakka 2:18 Financial Problem 3:15 Housing Design 6:11 Lack of Options 7:41 Reimagining 10:47 Brilliant 11:59 Original Plan 14:36 Existing Infrastructure 15:49 Local Elections
Yeah, sex is great, but have you tried going exactly the speed limit while there is a long line of cars behind you on West 7th St?
Damn, it's looking like the rapture didn't happen and we'll have to keep putting up with the people who are so convinced that they'll be raptured.
If you didn't have plans for dinner yet, you do now. Please help support my son's school, this will work at any Panda Express that accepts online orders, just make sure you use the promo code so the school gets the donation.
How do you turn a free-market conservative into a communist? Make them pay a market rate for parking. #urbanism
So, fellow fans of #urbanism I give you what people in my city think is Dutch... what do you think actual Dutch people think of this chain representing their country?
Hey, it did actually snow this time (and still snowing).
Why yes, there is snow in the forecast for tomorrow. Why do you ask?
Sometimes it truly is the small things, like finding out the Proterra that normally runs your morning commute is out of service and a New Flyer has been put in its place. I don't care that the seats aren't as cushioned, give me that smoother New Flyer ride.
I wonder how long before NSEA blocks me over on Facebook.
"We built twenty meters of bike path halfway up a dual carriageway in the arse-end of nowhere and nobody uses it. Thus we have proved that there is no demand for cycling infrastructure."
I'm not a winter person.
When it comes to protecting the most vulnerable in our community, signs can be ignored, concrete and steel cannot. #SafeStreets #SafeRoutesToSchools #Urbanism
“Many Americans believe that drivers pay the full cost of the roads they use through gas taxes and other user fees. That has never been true, and it is less true now than at any other point in modern times.”
Every time I see a corporation promising to match donations to a cause, all I wonder is, well why can't they just donate that money anyway?