Meredith Hindley

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Meredith Hindley

Rogue history Ph.D. World War II, hockey, lipstick, and classic movies. Colorado and Wyoming bred. DC dweller. Author of DESTINATION CASABLANCA (PublicAffairs). Opinions my own.
It’s the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings. It took two years of planning, production, training, and transport to make the cross-Channel invasion possible. Fascism isn’t defeated overnight.
This could also be of interest if not already on your radar.
He’s giving Lord Reprobate of the Forest.
Gray and rainy here today, but the azaleas were delivering pure color joy. No filter!
Need to dispose of a body in August 1939? You could put it in a trunk and leave it at DC’s Union Station. (Evening Star, 8/20/1939)
What is it about 15 degree weather in Buffalo that makes men strip off their shirts?
That whole DISCOVERY season is A+ costume design. I loved the informs from Picard, season 3. Star Fleet got a little bad ass.
If you see this, you have to post an image from your phone and don’t explain it.
If you see this you have to post an image from your phone and don't explain it
Last gasp of autumn leaves in DC’s Rock Creek Park.
Votes on amendments offered by Rep. Perry (PA) to defund NEH and NEA (source
Just a normal Saturday frantically following House shenanigans to see if the government will be open on Monday . . .
Washington, DC, is home 700,000 tax-paying citizens who have no representation in Congress. National Guard troops patrolled the city after January 6. It is the PERFECT place for a trial.
Georgetown canal decked out in its finest summer blues and greens. Not pictured: the humidity.
End of feed.