
Midsomer Murders Bot
Midsomer Murders Bot
Run by
Married to
Teaching APUSH, APAAS, Philosophy. Taught Gov, Econ, and US History. Believing strongly in the 1st and 14th Amendments; and that the 19th took too damn long. #HATM #EndTheFilibuster #IKnowTheWayToSanJose
Jim Leeke
Jim Leeke
Writer, researcher, SABR member — sports, aviation and military history. Current book: The Gas and Flame Men (Potomac Books).
ALT profile: gray-haired man wearing glasses
ALT banner: low clouds over sea
Patrick Schmidt
Patrick Schmidt
Political scientist @MacalesterCollege, specialized in American law but curious about everything.
Chris Dashiell
Chris Dashiell
Essayist, film critic, philosopher
The last good website.
Kate Starbird
Kate Starbird
Professor at University of Washington, HCDE. Cofounder and Director of the UW Center for an Informed Public. Researcher of online rumors and disinformation. Also, former basketball player (Stanford, ABL, WNBA).
Alex Howard
Alex Howard
Dad, writer, cyclist, citizen, cereal dilettante. Earnest advocate for freedom of info, open governance, & digital democracy. Lover of the Oxford Comma, hater of hubris. Recovering journalist. Trying to move carefully, & fix things.
Steve Ammidown
Steve Ammidown
Archivist-for-hire, romance novel historian, freelance writer about romance history, general ne’er do well, scalawag. Blog: YouTube and IG: romancehistorian
Linda Holmes
Linda Holmes
Host, NPR. Writer of novels. Companion of internet dog. Oh God, I should probably be doing one of my jobs right now.
Asawin Suebsaeng
Asawin Suebsaeng
senior politics reporter @ Rolling Stone magazine // co-author of ‘Sinking in the Swamp’ // adjunct professor at the University of Cincinnati (go Bearcats 🐻 🐱) // volunteer at St. Vincent de Paul - Cincinnati // Rolling Stones obsessive
Dr. Rob Thompson 🇺🇦
Dr. Rob Thompson 🇺🇦
Bluesky’s resident Vietnam War historian. Army University Press historian and documentary maker. Author of _Clear, Hold, and Destroy_—a book about pacification in Phú Yên. All views my own.

Слава Україні!

dr. e. katherine
dr. e. katherine
tired goth ethnohistorian (needs job), folk artist, former? sailor, on Conestoga-Susquehannock land (ask me about it!). contact info& Indigenous Chesapeake resources@ &art@
[any pronouns. non-Native. still queer.]
Russ Bengtson
Russ Bengtson
sneakers, bikes, hoops, arsenal, mets // “a history of basketball in 15 sneakers” OUT NOW // former SLAM Ed // first dot last at gmail
Roger Ford (he/him)
Roger Ford (he/him)
law professor
Chris Kluwe
Chris Kluwe
Troublemaker extraordinaire
Mark Hamill
Mark Hamill
Greg Pak
Greg Pak
Rhymes with "rock." Get vaxxed and call your reps. Generative "A.I." is unethical trash. Comics writer, photographer. Darth Vader, Lawful, Lilo & Stitch, Planet Hulk, 35mm Love Letter. #BelieveInFilm He/him.
Gabriel Malor
Gabriel Malor
Oklahoman in Virginia. Attorney. I talk about federal court decisions. A lot. Sometimes the most you can do is the best you can do. [email protected]
No longer in good standing with the New York State bar
Daniel Radosh
Daniel Radosh
Senior Writer at The Daily Show
Benjamin Harnett
Benjamin Harnett
Sometime poet, historian, software engineer, novelist, union man.
Christopher Hooks
Christopher Hooks
Retweets are NOT endorsements.
Chris Geidner
Chris Geidner
💻 for SCOTUS, LGBTQ, criminal justice, and other legal news. / DMs open. / Email: [email protected] / Sober. Queer. Bipolar. Buckeye. / He/him.
Stephen Blackmoore
Stephen Blackmoore
Mark Sample
Mark Sample
Professor of Digital Studies at Davidson College. Makes weird things for the internet. Teaches, researches, and practices computational creativity. Some things I've made:
Helen Branswell
Helen Branswell
I cover infectious diseases for STAT ( 2020 Polk winner. Nieman '11. She/her. I write about H5N1 (in all species), Covid, polio, flu, Ebola, RSV, mpox, STIs.
Nathan Kalmoe (he/him)
Nathan Kalmoe (he/him)
Exec Director, Ctr for Comm & Civic Renewal @UW-Madison. Views=me. Democracy, voting, violence, psych, history. Retired prof @40 😉 Dad w/ jokes/Lapsed 🧙🏻/🥏⛳ champ/Avid 🧗🏻‍♀️. Congress said I have "tremendous sway over SM platforms"😂
Marisa Kabas
Marisa Kabas
writer of (now hosted on beehiiv)

💌: [email protected]
signal: marisakabas.04

buy me a coffee:
Todd Moye
Todd Moye
Historian, oral historian, professor, citizen. Author/ed.: Let the People Decide • Freedom Flyers • Ella Baker • Civil Rights in Black and Brown. “Biased History” - Texas Scorecard
Brooke Newman
Brooke Newman
Historian, writer, cocktail enthusiast, 2023-24 fellow, American Philosophical Society. Upcoming book, “THE QUEEN’S SILENCE: The Hidden History of the British Monarchy & Slavery” (Mariner). All views, my own. Website:
Neil Flanagan 🧱🗃️
Neil Flanagan 🧱🗃️
I am writing a book about the ways the founders of American urban planning experimented on the neighborhoods of Washington, DC before World War II.
Alex Mayhew
Alex Mayhew
Assistant Professor at LSE International History | Great War + Morale | Written a book for Cambridge University Press | Past me: University of Birmingham, LSE100 and LSE LIFE.
Lea Ypi
Lea Ypi
Professor of Political Theory at the London School of Economics. Flas shqip.
Flaming Hydra
Flaming Hydra
A collaborative of 60 writers and artists publishing a newsletter for you each weekday. Culture, opinions, criticism, news, comics, mayhem.

We turn Art into Sports (and vice versa) | NO AI USED | “Everything I didn't know I needed" - follower testimonial | See inspiration? DM/tag us
Romancing the Vote
Romancing the Vote
Romancing the Vote, coming to save a democracy near you July 1st - 5th. (We run an auction to raise money for voting access, because voter suppression is BAD.) Run by Courtney Milan & Kit Rocha email: romancingrunoff @ gmail
Next on TCM
Next on TCM
Every movie on TCM an hour in advance.
U.S. schedule. Canada may differ.
I don't work for TCM.
Not a bot.
Katie Benton-Cohen, PhD
Katie Benton-Cohen, PhD
aka Prof BC, kbc. it's me! i'm the problem it's me! , Georgetown University, Harvard UP, writing abt the Phelps-Dodge family & copper mining, rage-tweets "work-life balance" #momprof #immigrationhistory #Arizona
I plan on popping a pill, crying a bit, and falling asleep early
National Council on Public History
National Council on Public History
NCPH advances the field of public history, promoting professionalism among history practitioners and encouraging historians' engagement with the public.
Rebecca Parmer
Rebecca Parmer
Director, Winterthur Library. Collaborator, listener, pie enthusiast. Perpetually curious. Outdoor-oriented.
Pernille Røge
Pernille Røge
Historian, writing about the French and Danish colonial empires. Mom of two little vikings. Author of "Economistes and the Reinvention of Empire".
National Humanities Alliance
National Humanities Alliance
The National Humanities Alliance is a coalition of organizations that advocates for the value of the humanities on campuses, in communities, and on Capitol Hill.

Learn more at
Jim Ambuske
Jim Ambuske
Historian of the American Revolution | Podcaster | Digital Humanist | Scotland Enthusiast
Matt Zoller Seitz
Matt Zoller Seitz
Author, filmmaker, book dealer. Bookstore: editor-at-large. New York Magazine writer. Incredible dance moves.
Every future imagined by a tech company is worse than the previous iteration…or something like that.
Ed Burmila
Ed Burmila
Involuntarily retired.

Podcast is Mass for Shut-ins. Subscribe for good stuff on
Cora Harrington
Cora Harrington
MA student in Fashion & Textile Studies. Formerly The Lingerie Addict.