
Poor people use libraries. Rich people shut them down because they don't *want* poor people to read.
Poor people also read. It is a harmful classist stereotype to think otherwise, and we should have moved past it by now.
Seattle’s public library system is currently experiencing a ransomware attack and it is the most enraging and frustrating kidnapping of one of the only spaces in the city where you aren’t expected to spend money. Librarians are checking out physical media and recording it on paper.
“Librarians—we find a way!” is what I imagine they say amongst themselves in the back room or conferences or something
It's more like sighing and saying "well I guess we're going to deal with this now." And then dealing with it. When I worked in public libraries (+12 years ago) there was a poster in the staffroom that said "we have done so much with so little for so long, we can make something out of nothing"