Beth Greenwood

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Beth Greenwood

Mlaw alum, dog mom
Xbox Live is down. I don't have an Xbox. What I do have is a Minecraft realm I need to finish some builds in before I teach my 4½ year old nephew to play in two days. At least someone is happy about this.
No one makes me feel heard quite like my Labrador
Started my first dose of Lisdexamphetamine today. Why didn't anyone tell me my brain could be this quiet?
Gif or image of a movie you're sure you've seen more than 10 times
Gif or image of a movie you're sure you've seen more than 10 times
Reposted byAvatar Beth Greenwood
This episode is so good, and also so infuriating, because the bleedingly-obvious tactics that are being used to house transphobia in moral panics and pseudoscience keeps being peddled because it keeps working. Worth a listen.
Reposted byAvatar Beth Greenwood
My Labrador has found new friends in the yard #bunny
Reposted byAvatar Beth Greenwood
ChatGPT doesn't want to work anymore. "The company announced on Thursday that it was looking into reports that ChatGPT began refusing user demands by suggesting that they finish tasks themselves..."
Are you using ChatGPT to complete tasks at work? It might be tired of doing the heavy ChatGPT users say that the bot is becoming more difficult to work with.
Oh hey, it's an greatest hits list! Glad the targeted ads algorithm sees me listening to If Books Could Kill debunk these books and thinks "I think she'd like to get this stuff like a Rise-And-Grind Tech Bro!"
End of feed.