
J. Michael Straczynski naming names in the afterword of The Last Dangerous Visions for…reasons? This seems wildly irresponsible and self-serving at the very least. Redacted are the name of eleven “diverse” writers.
I am guessing he must have felt the need to pre-emptively blame someone else for the lack of diversity in the anthology he edited (the final version of). Can't really see that turning out very well for him.
It does read very "don't yell at me for the All White Dude Anthology, I Promise I Tried!"
"Some of the best entries in my rolodex are diverse" energy. (Money on him having an actual rolodex) Or this sets up a prestige deluxe edition including an appendix reproducing his solicitations and subsequent rejections, you know, for the definitive account of this self-compounded "controversy."