
J. Michael Straczynski naming names in the afterword of The Last Dangerous Visions for…reasons? This seems wildly irresponsible and self-serving at the very least. Redacted are the name of eleven “diverse” writers.
This is the exact kind of consent violation that Ellison was famous for, so I guess it is.... on brand at least? Frankly, this is awful all round.
Firing off an email to Blackstone about this. Still time to course correct.
I am guessing he must have felt the need to pre-emptively blame someone else for the lack of diversity in the anthology he edited (the final version of). Can't really see that turning out very well for him.
That seems the most obvious reason. But he contextualizes by saying how "a single misstep or perceived endorsement can be a terminal mistake. This is not necessarily the time to be dangerous." So, "They don't think they'd be safe being associated with this anthology. I herewith associate them."
That is even worse. Forcing people to be associated with something they have said they do not want to participate in is dodgy AF.
I was approached by him. I said no. He was uninterested in why and immediately stopped communicating with me. Didn't even say, "fair enough, bye". So I really dig this mind-reading about the reasons. I clearly made the right decision.
Holy shit. I was also asked, said no, and clearly it was the right decision.
100% The squatting on rights for decades is plenty of reason, this nonsense is just reinforcement
*deep sigh* Is this where they talk about having jumped the shark? *moves another pair of clay feet onto the hero shelf*
If this is not the time to be dangerous, why are they releasing Last Dangerous Visions at this time?
It does read very "don't yell at me for the All White Dude Anthology, I Promise I Tried!"
"Some of the best entries in my rolodex are diverse" energy. (Money on him having an actual rolodex) Or this sets up a prestige deluxe edition including an appendix reproducing his solicitations and subsequent rejections, you know, for the definitive account of this self-compounded "controversy."
OTOH, it seems to have turned out great for him. He hasn't lost gigs, and he clearly thinks he's right and doesn't need to listen to anyone's opinions. He seems to be doing just fine.
This is coming out today. There are already plenty of people reacting negatively to it. It usually takes at least 24 hours before anything like this reaches critical mass, and sometimes it dies down for a while.
Fair enough, but that entire foreword was in response to the last wave of negative reaction about exactly that problem.
I am talking about outing authors who did not want to be in the anthology, not the lack of diversity, which is a separate issue.
I know. I still doubt that he's going to see any consequences, but I do get your point.
"This is a thirty-year-old, at least, unfinished book, Ellison was an asshole, and I have markets that will get more attention than a thirty-year-old unfinished anthology." "How politically correct of you!"
I certainly agree with the criticism here. While for the most part, I found that introduction to be an extraordinary piece of writing, dropping the names of the writers who didn’t want to be included, all while saying “I respect their decision“ is mind blowingly clueless.
Nnngnnghh nnnnnghghgh nggggggn NGGGH (froths at the mouth and falls unconscious) (wakes up a few hours later and remembers this happened) nnnngh NNNNNNNGGGGHHHH
gods, way to paint yourself bright red and wobble in the wind, jms...
Oh. And I forgot to mention that if Ellison didn't choose to buy any stories by "diverse" writers that says something horrible about his anthologizing, which reinforces that an Ellison-authored story collection is nowhere you want to be.
Imagine, also, how that makes the present contributors feel. "Wait -- I'm only in this because these guys didn't want to do it?"
I would add to the "very least" that it's racist writing, even if he hadn't listed a single name.
It's not as bad as I thought (or feared) it might be but it's still not great
OK reading these replies, it's still pretty bad (I thought he may have gone full Mel Gibson though)