Michael Paulauski

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Michael Paulauski


I lose brain cells so you don't have to. Devops Galore. DemSoc liking anarchism. Antifascist. BLM/Abolish the Police. Views are mine, not employer’s. He/him
It is not "The Lancet's" estimate, it's a statement published by a few people that had to be corrected with this assertion at the end.
"just trust me bro, we made it up" Bud, when even *Hamas* isn't claiming these numbers (they've had to revise down their death tolls repeatedly), you're genuinely delusional to believe "so we just multiplied it by 4".
"just" is the key word here lmao.
It's weird to me how consistently progressives in the "Throw Out Biden" camp go from "I just think he's old" to "Genocide Joe" in just a handful of probing posts. They just want to punish Biden, y'all! They don't care about electability!
tbh the only thing I’m genuinely angry at him for is his enabling of mass slaughter in the last 9 months. I don’t know why you’re so insistent on my enumerating every decent thing he’s done as president. I’m just saying I think his career was bad overall!
The whitest motherfucker in the world claiming that Biden is just as responsible as Bibi while somehow not being responsible himself for paying taxes to the American War Machine. It's fascinating how the blame always stops *right* before it hits the white folks.
Like what in the actual fuck is this hot-dog-costume-wearing-ass bullshit? "Biden has repeatedly tried to erase the concerns over his age and mental acuity. But nothing has changed the narrative." Motherfuckers *y'all produced and maintained the narrative*!
You were on the Genocide Joe train. Come on now.
You have spent literally months trying to ratfuck Biden, don't pretend you speak on behalf of a majority of voters.
Like, genuinely, this kind of behavior is completely deranged. You don't like someone? Make up an entire alt history about them! Lie openly about them! Anything goes, after all, You're The Righteous One! Definitely not abusive in the slightest /s
And this is why you don't give any of these abusive liars even an inch. Because while they all act tough, they fold like a house of cards when you point out their abusive and contradictory behavior. bsky.app/profile/mike...
It takes merely two button clicks on your part to get exactly what you claim to want. But you refuse to do that. Instead, you spend hours arguing with me. Why do that, exactly?
The irony of claiming that I'm "gooning" while you post this.
This is absolutely a vague threat lmao.
So you agree that this is you lying. At no point did I in any way desire or request your respect.
So then where did this happen, exactly?
When the OP constantly posts about how unbothered and proud she is about the response to her posts and how she never blocks anyone no matter what, I do begin to wonder exactly what the goal here is.
man UWUing for a NYT columnist with a massive bluesky following while accusing trans women of being smol beans after 5 days of non-stop harassment at the hands of Cis Men
I'm really not, here she is proudly proclaiming how she never blocks anyone, and here she is pulling an "I'm unbothered"
The entire thing started with a screenshot post maligning Bouie for complaining that SCOTUS is completely above being held publicly accountable for their opinions. When Bouie then pointed out that bit was completely misrepresenting his statement on purpose, she then shifted to "quit your job".
I wonder when the Republicans In Disarray articles are going to hit the NYTimes? Cuz it increasingly seems that even among Trump's base, JD Vance is a deeply unpopular choice. The implosion of the GOP continues to accelerate!
Huh, I was told it was useless to Push Biden Left. /s
Meanwhile, the literal instant that JD Vance was announced as Trump's VP, Biden's team had numerous ads and this withering statement ready to go. So much for "just surrendering".
It has to do with, ironically, one of the speeches Harris made that was mocked at the time as incoherent. Googling it prior to a month ago proves that the ratfucking operation against Biden was fomenting for a while now. Months, even.
You've got a bunch of people who think that The Media Is Liberal And Has Our Best Interests At Heart repeating narratives and op-eds drummed up by the media, Fox News-like. Meanwhile the rest of us know better because we're hearing what the media CEOs are openly saying.
My favorite response to that post:
We’re all trying to find the guy who did this
See, this is my major: While folks who want Biden to stay have voiced their 100% support of Harris, folks who are on Team Step Aside just can't seem to take no for an answer! How are we to believe they'll be reliable allies when they just can't stop tearing Biden down?
Project 2025 mandates that the Trump administration end U and T Visas, eliminating a major pathway for human trafficking victims to escape to the US.
Project 2025 mandates that the Trump administration seek to fully defund Planned Parenthood, restricting access to reproductive health care services, including cancer screenings, contraception, and STI testing and treatment, for millions of low-income Americans, particularly women.