Ammonium Azide

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Ammonium Azide

Official bluesky account for the toxic and explosive (but insensitive) salt formed by combining Ammonia and Hydrazoic Acid.

Posts by Josh, he/him 🏳️‍🌈
The Internet isn't conducive to subtext so I'm going to draw this out. If you're reported to have said the President should drop out and your denial is "I didn't say anything" and doesn't include you saying he should stay, you're saying he should drop.
Ted Lieu, the caucus vice chair (outranks them all), was reported to be among them. He later denied it, saying he did not speak on the call. This was confirmed by a source familiar. Not sure what to make of that.
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The mainstream media, most notably the New York Times, would cover Harris harshly. They’d probably find something to fixate on as much as Hillary's emails, which they’ll treat as equivalent to Trump’s criminality. But it’s hard to see how media could hit anything harder than Biden’s age.
Kamala Harris Could Beat Donald Comparing Harris's likely chances to Biden's and other Democrats' show she'd be competitive, which means fear of nominating her shouldn't be part of the president's decision
The polls in 2022 nailed the popular vote in the house. The reporting on the polls in 2022 was bad—to the point that a NYT poll showed Dems winning and the writeup was "Dems brace for loss"—but the polls did fine
"at this point, democrats probably realize that Trump is going to just win in November" is an absolutely disqualifying statement for any pundit. Like how the polls showed a massive red wave in 22? Lethal admixture of doomerism and stupidity.
God helps those who help themselves
Here's some fashy tears for your Sunday.
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Swimming step function: Thursday: 6 laps/150yd/135m Friday: 12 laps/300yd/270m Saturday: 8 laps/200yd/180m Today: 44 laps/1100yd/1000m
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When the France election results are good
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apparently in a Zoom with leadership, the ranking Dems on Administration (Joe Morelle), Armed Services (Adam Smith), and Veterans' Affairs (Mark Takano) said they want Biden to step aside, and the ranking Dems on Intelligence (Jim Himes) and Oversight (Jamie Raskin) were skeptical of Biden's chances
Lloyd Doggett can just kind of spout off because he's realistically never getting the W&M gavel he wants and has no allies or protégés who need protecting, Grijalva is still ranking on Natural Resources and in line to get his gavel back if Dems take the House in November
If Jerry Nadler is saying you're too old you've got problems
Really enjoyed the Kim Stanley Robinson novela Green Mars. This is not Green Mars, the second novel in the Mars Trilogy, but a different story, written before but seemingly set in the same timeline. Recommend it very highly.
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Here's some fashy tears for your Sunday.
Rather than extending DC Metro, I'd build more branches along with infill stops in DC. Something like this. Assume the yellow lines are re-extended north and the blue is deinterlined with a rail shuttle between Rosslyn and Pentagon.
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any idea what’s driving this? i know crime has generally been coming down from the spike a few years ago but this is a *wild* drop
And speaking of Baltimore, I'm sure my followers are waiting on pins and needles for my latest update on our astonishing fall in homicides. The wait is over! 😏
This is 2-4 times as many casualties as the US sustained in the Vietnam War over about 7 years in a country with 30% more people (US 1970 vs Russia today)
Economist estimates that "between 462,000 and 728,000 Russian soldiers were out of action by mid-June—more than Russia’s estimated invading force in February 2022."
How many Russian soldiers have been killed in Ukraine? Four charts illustrate a grim new milestone
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I once wrote a fact check of a Morgan Spurlock book. He included what he said was a direct quote from the FDA that aspartame causes cancer. I checked the footnote. An FDA newsletter did publish that claim — but *only to specifically refute it*. That’s basically how Barrett quotes Madison here.
These mistakes originalist justices are making aren’t about disputed interpretations of history, with evidence on both sides. They’re pulling quotes out of context to attribute ideas to founding figures that those figures adamantly opposed. (via
The Supreme Court's Dubious Use of History in Department of State v. Justice Amy Coney Barrett's majority opinion includes significant errors, and violates some of her own precepts against excessive reliance on questionable history.
Skeets with an audience of zero
Statics is to Dynamics as the Hegelian dialectic is to the Marxian dialectic
Statics is to Dynamics as the Hegelian dialectic is to the Marxian dialectic
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unreal to me how much a group of people who will constantly tell you that you don't know how politics works and the compromises and sacrifices you have to accept for real change have nothing drive their own approach to dealing with political issues other than "it's UNFAIR how we're getting treated"
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“Skeleton Key” and “jailbreaking” are bad metaphors for general-purpose AI chatbots that anthropomorphize them into sentient prisoners whose behavior can be neatly observed and controlled. They are large-scale stochastic systems with unpredictable outputs operating with no coherent baseline.
“In a blog post last week, Microsoft Azure CTO Mark Russinovich acknowledged the existence of a new jailbreaking technique that causes ‘the system to violate its operators’ policies, make decisions unduly influenced by a user, or execute malicious instructions.’”
Microsoft Acknowledges "Skeleton Key" Exploit That Enables Strikingly Evil Outputs on Almost Any In a blog post last week, Microsoft acknowledged the existence of a new AI chatbot jailbreaking technique dubbed "Skeleton Key."
Had a look at Biden's public schedule for today. Amid a crisis that threatens his candidacy, there's nothing on it.
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and if he fails it's fine so long as he had fun out there
Joe Biden cannot fail, he can only be failed
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I don’t think anyone — Biden, his family, or his staff — has acquitted themselves well over the past ten days but Michael LaRosa wins the award for dumbest motherfucker on the planet.
The New York Times is not responsible for Biden's debate performance and it's not responsible for his substantial absence from the national stage
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Some Millennials in my timeline are insecure because Gen Zs are telling them their ankle socks age them. I can't stress enough that you don't need to care about what a bunch of 20-somethings think about your clothes, mainly bc you don't have to care about what ANYONE thinks about your clothes.
This is the kind of thing Kamala Harris would be able to argue and Joe Biden cannot
This was a speech during which he did not have to answer any questions, he supposedly knew where he was going to be several days ahead of time, and this is what he came up with
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One thing I’m noticing: the people in my life who’ve worked in campaigns or politics overwhelmingly think Biden should be replaced (with Kamala). That’s clearly not the majority sentiment on here. Also, noticing how few folks in the above category seem to be on here, which is a bummer for me.