
Joe Biden is both senile and unfit but also should absolutely seriously do a coup. I am a serious person /s
It would be great if fewer people looked at crises in the republic and answered with, "What if Joe Biden did a coup, as a treat?"
I mostly find the "key jangling meme" irritating, but the way people have gotten whiplash going between these two news stories means I probably can't write it off, huh?
The reality is that most voters in America don't have cohesive political desires, don't know what is or is not political, and are largely tuned into jokes, memes, and vibes if they're tuned in at all. They don't exactly sit around and think long, deep thoughts to make sure their views are cohesive.
striking to me how self-styled savvy politicos are the most divorced from the genuine discussions of values that campaigns try to have with voters.