
Continuing with my weird fascination of how AI intersects with searches about TV shows, this AI summary describes an episode that is literally one where Ncuti stands on a landmine the whole show as an episode that doesn't feature him.
Forgive if I’ve skeeted the following at you before but it was so formative for me…
GameChanger was the platform of choice for my kid’s travel baseball team. A dad would enter the game events, and people could “watch” a rendering of the game events just after he entered the events.
Then they partnered with an early AI sports content producer to “write” an AI summary of each game. You could see the formula like “Reed Smith took the mound for the Chargers” and other such verbiages. But it was cute and seemed to follow the events inputted by the dads
Until the game where a remarkable thing happened - a triple play. Second baseman caught it in the air then he threw to short (at 2nd) and I think the other kid was tagged at third but not sure. Anyway it was the only triple play I ever saw in my life before or since. And guess what
When GameChanger produced the AI recap of the game, that triple play was not referenced or mentioned or noted and certainly wasn’t summarized. If you went by the AI recap, the most notable and statistically improbable event in the game simply did not happen.
That’s it, that was the formative experience that has shaped how I experience every AI text since then. Something I saw with my own eyes and can never forget was not probable enough to be included in the AI summary.
I have been a travel baseball dad for 10+ years. This is my whole life lol
heh, the episode two before which didn’t feature him much at all (odd choice for first season). there’s some portion of reality in there but hooboy that’s such a whiff… summarizing things was sorta solved pre-LLM and w/o boiling oceans…
It’s so weird because I never get AI summaries at all.
i love this as an area of culture that is testable: tv. like, it’s a fact that these things exist and they take place over time and there is nuance that’s only exposed on having watched them all for some shows and there are often unique and unambiguous names, etc. AI should be good at this!