Jim Doppke

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Jim Doppke


Chicago, IL legal ethics lawyer at Robinson, Stewart, Montgomery & Doppke (rsmdlaw.com). He/him. Posts =/= legal advice, all opinions solely mine.
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On this week's Songs of Our Lives, it's Shane Parish! We talk about his love of transcribing music for solo guitar, one of Dylan’s most brutal songs, Fugazi doing Fugazi things, & FINALLY, he picks THE answer for which cover song is better than the OG. foxydigitalis.zone/2024/05/21/s...
Songs of Our Lives #35: Shane Parishfoxydigitalis.zone For this episode of Songs of Our Lives, I invite Shane Parish on the show. When it comes to modern guitar gods, Shane is right up there for me. I am constantly amazed by not just what he can play, …
I feel like Bluesky is chock-full of MST3K content, about which I'm grateful and happy. Doesn't mean I won't chip in more!
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Hey, Bluesky folks! That's a good question posed below: where are the MSTies? If you're a part of the fan community and you see this, let's sound off!
where’s MST3k bsky hiding 👀
As a practicing lawyer I try not to be naïve about anything, including the fact that courts like the 5th Circuit openly operate as explicitly and solely a political project. But not being naïve about it doesn't prevent me from being furious about it.
The same people who complain about cancel culture against individuals are fine with collective punishment of entire populations, because, hey, thats got a non-problematic history behind it, right?
What I look like scrolling social media
What I look like scrolling social media
If you see this, post a monster AND HE'S INFINITELY MORE HORRIFYING WITH *TEETH*
If I offered you twenty thousand for every dot that stops, would you really, Charlie Brown, tell me to keep my money or would you calculate how many dots you could afford to spare?
There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Charlie Brown, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Sooner or Later, One Has to Take Sides, If One Is To Remain Human, Charlie Brown
from hell’s heart I stab at thee, Charlie Brown
This Is the Saddest Story I Have Ever Heard, Charlie Brown
from hell’s heart I stab at thee, Charlie Brown
The Past Is a Foreign Country; They Do Things Differently There, Charlie Brown
from hell’s heart I stab at thee, Charlie Brown
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New on the Foxy Digitalis Podcast - I talked to R. Hunter aka missing scenes about his latest album, "who is this for?" Love that album title cuz it's a question I think about a lot. We got into it & loads more! Via FD or wherever you listen to podcasts. foxydigitalis.zone/2024/04/12/m...
post a PERFECT album from the 90s that isn't Nirvana or pearl jam or Soundgarden or Alice in chains
I agree with @nonfinality.bsky.social that client fraud is ultimately the client's problem, but it also gets even honest attorneys in ethical jams - what to do about it, and what to do re any confidential information they have that bears on the fraud in some way.
Maybe. And maybe I’m missing something. But as long as the lawyers did their jobs diligently and honestly, this is all their client’s problem. Yeah, it makes it less likely that the lawyers will get a W to brag about, but it’s still their client’s problem.
Especially if they're urging you not to tell *anyone* for fear of some wider disclosure. A lawyer's obligation is to keep everything confidential, with the narrowest of exceptions. That can only help in situations like this, and anybody who says it can't or won't is up to no good.
This is about the piece in the Cut by the woman who got scammed, but it's also about practically every case you'll ever hear about that involved someone confessing to a crime they had nothing to do with. If someone tells you not to call a lawyer, you should probably immediately call a lawyer.
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I get asked a couple times every month about these two digital comps I/FD did back in the day, so I finally dug up all the masters and put 'em up for free. The Faint Wild Light tune on "Midlife Crisis" is one of my favorite things that project ever did. foxydigitalis.bandcamp.com
In IL at least, lawyers have had their licenses suspended - sometimes for a very long time - for doing this, even if it was for a personal or business loan having nothing to do with a client.
Just so we're totally clear, if I handed knowingly deficient financials to a bank loan officer in pursuit of a loan it would not be considered a 'victimless crime'
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Cases involving misuse of funds, dishonesty to clients, etc get priority, and charges re frivolous filings are rarer (objective standard can make proofs hard). But in IL there have been 386 complaints over ~50 yrs charging Rule 3.3 (false statements to a tribunal). That's not nothing!
With VERY rare exceptions (like John Eastman), bar association discipline is for doing things that your client doesn’t like, i.e. stealing from them. Vanishingly rare for a lawyer to be meaningfully disciplined by the bar for litigation conduct (Slightly less rare for a court to sanction them)
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Post holidaze hangover? Traveling? Got a new Songs of Our Lives for ya with Aquarelle! We ramble about how much the Ghostbuster theme bangs, the art of being loud, one of the best voices we’ve ever heard, the greatest indie rock ever, and so much more! foxydigitalis.zone/2023/12/26/s...
Songs of Our Lives #14: Aquarellefoxydigitalis.zone For this episode of Songs of Our Lives, I invite Aquarelle aka Ryan Potts on the show. After we talk a bit about his massively underappreciated 2023 album, Verdant Machine, we get into the goods an…
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My 2023 favorites, Songs of Our Lives Style. Music that made me happy, made my cry, tapped into my romantic side, changed my perspective, & more. And, for the first time ever, an actual AOTY pick from FD. All this + so, so much more. Thanks for being here. foxydigitalis.zone/2023/12/21/2...
"What role, if any, Mr. Cohen played..." is quite the stinger. I can't tell if the Court really anticipates that he did have any involvement, but it certainly requires the lawyer to say more than "mistakes were made." #lawsky
Y'all. It happened AGAIN. Stop relying on generative AI for legal research. Or don't, but then I'm going to use you for my CLE.
End of feed.