
I finally looked up which lists I'm on, and this is one of my favorites
It suddenly just occurred to me: this person has no idea whether this is my real name!
For those asking how to look up what lists other users have added you to. Be warned that the first screen that automatically pops up before you click on the "lists" tab is a list of accounts that are blocking you!
Follow the link below, then click on "Find an account" at left and enter your handle. Then you can select from the tabs along the right side of the screen to see lists your on and who you are blocking and being blocked by ClearSky
lol I’m on a bunch or wholesome lists and then “Promotes bad moderation policies” like wut bro?!?
Yes, the experience of looking up your lists is enjoyably absurd! Like, feel free to hate me for any number of reasons, but do I really belong on a list of people notorious for stirring up “drama”?
I'm a list cultivated by someone with the goal of blocking all non-NSFW accounts and what can I say, he's got me there.
Same! Makes me feel better about the blocks 😂
I haven't looked and I don't particularly care to. I wouldn't blame them - if that's what they're looking for from accounts, they'll be disappointed!