
Maybe I'm super fucked up but having the supreme court declare that J6 was fine and good actually feels worse than J6
Official sanction for a crime is obviously worse than the crime because it leads to more crime
Also there was a sense on J6 that our institutions had grotesquely failed in allowing it to happen but now that failure is the institution itself. There's no longer any ideal to betray, there's no pretense that the country should not be that
Well, there is still the pretense, but that pretense is up for a vote. We have been reduced to the democracy party & the anti-democracy party & that's all there is to it.
All the civil rights movements of the 20th and 21st centuries are in one party. Their opponents are in the other.
This is the alignment! This means we have a party that is pro-civil rights as part of its identity in a way that isn't really true in most of the rest of the West. This is good. It means we have a party against them in a way that isn't true in most of the rest of the West. That's bad.
the party founded on no democracy for some ultimately embraces it for all. the old line about fascism as bringing what's practiced on the colonized home.
the best and most effective way available to you to stop the anti-democracy side from winning is to advocate and vote for the pro-democracy party. so do that. if that feels like a frustrating and potentially inadequate solution, sure - but you should still do it.
the people who tell you not to support the pro-democracy party are on the side of the anti-democracy party. maybe they have sympathetic motivations for that position, maybe they do not, but that is in fact their position.
If my choices lie between merely bad and totally awful, I'm picking bad. We cannot get better if we pick awful, and it is harder to pull back than it is to move forward