
Maybe I'm super fucked up but having the supreme court declare that J6 was fine and good actually feels worse than J6
Official sanction for a crime is obviously worse than the crime because it leads to more crime
Also there was a sense on J6 that our institutions had grotesquely failed in allowing it to happen but now that failure is the institution itself. There's no longer any ideal to betray, there's no pretense that the country should not be that
Well, there is still the pretense, but that pretense is up for a vote. We have been reduced to the democracy party & the anti-democracy party & that's all there is to it.
All the civil rights movements of the 20th and 21st centuries are in one party. Their opponents are in the other.
This is the alignment! This means we have a party that is pro-civil rights as part of its identity in a way that isn't really true in most of the rest of the West. This is good. It means we have a party against them in a way that isn't true in most of the rest of the West. That's bad.
the party founded on no democracy for some ultimately embraces it for all. the old line about fascism as bringing what's practiced on the colonized home.
the prevailing sense from overseas was "either America has institutional leukaemia or the whole thing as advertised for a hundred years was a pack of well painted bullshit and neither is cool with us"
This feels like J6 happening all over again except also Bush v Gore at the same time.
feels almost like pretending the only real lawbreakers were Donald Trump himself and the way down henchman, not all the other politicians and collaborators sprinkled throughout elected and non-elected government, may not have been the best idea
And in the end we didn’t even fuckin’ go after Trump for it, we just threw the qanon shaman in jail for a few months and called it good
the D higher-ups IMO truly believed that the awful spectacle of January 6th had taught Republicans the lesson of how bad it was to associate with Trump, so desperately did they want to think well of their dear, beloved, respected, honored, treasured colleagues on the other side of the aisle
the de-nazification of America will not be painless or pretty to behold
I like your optimism that we’ll be around long enough for denazification to occur
my darkest nightmare involves just a handful of everyone left. This is either going to be decades of drawn out pantomime of representative government or a LOT of very horrible atrocities.
J6 felt bad, but also felt like the culmination of what if l'd been anticipating since Trump won, and also I never really thought the coup had a chance of success. This feels like the coup succeeded, and also I wasn't really expecting it, even from this court.
justice Roberts discarding his role as the only conservative justice to not yet publicly endorse overthrowing an election
Roberts worked on Bush v. Gore in 2000 - he's been in favor of ignoring the will of the voters to install a republican president since way back.
I didn’t think he did? Barret, Gorsuch, and Kav all did
J6 at least had funny moments like that guy tazing his own nuts until he died
I choose to believe it did, in my mind it happened
You're not fucked up, it obviously is. J6 was an abortive, halfhearted attempt at a coup. Like a mild cold your immune system evacuates. The supreme court declaring it's fine paves the way for a successful future coup, like getting full-blown AIDS. You're not dead yet but that cold now WILL get you.
in a similar vein, for a lot of people, Kavanaugh being sworn in was worse than the Access Hollywood tapes
No no, right there with you
Been thinking this all morning.
The electorate broadly deciding J6 was fine and good feels worst of all, imo
Mike Johnson is Speaker of the House right now. That the 2022 elections didn't yeet the Republican party's power into a trash bin is a real indictment of us as a nation of voters.
Every senator who supported J6 (explicitly at the time and/or retroactively via their impeachment vote) and almost every member of congress, and legions of state officials, were comfortably re-elected; we got plenty of new ones too (Senator Vance as the obvious example)
I agree, but I don't think it represents anything close to approval of J6.
It does represent indifference to J6 though
I think that indifference has a sell-by date, just as the people on the fence about abortion have hopped off it since the bans started.
Because it feels like the coup has now succeeded.
Its the pronciple that sometimes the gaslighting fucks you up worse than the actual thing you're being gaslit about
Pronciple makes this kinda funny so let me correct it to principle. It's the principle 🤦‍♀️
yeah tbh the coup itself was a relatively short jump from previous discourse
There’s a scene in the West Wing (I know just give it a minute) where Toby asks the President for leave of absence after an attack. Then he goes, I just don’t know why it feels like this, I’ve seen murders before. “It feels like that because that wasn’t a murder, it was a lynching. That’s why.”
He should have been dragged out onto the White House lawn that evening and shot in the back of the head in front of the cameras, and the nation would have recovered from it faster than it ever will from this.
Bad guys doing bad things hurts. Having the "good" guys support them hurts way more. They broke our trust and can never get it back.
The cute thing is that they think if the J6ers would have found Mike Pence they would have had a stern talking to him, and then would have felt better; and not after doing harm there, they wouldn't have marched over to the court and upended that too.
Side by side comparison to BLM riots.