
One of my pet gripes is that we don’t broadly appreciate how badly GWB’s No Child Left Behind law absolutely gutted civics education in America because it tied draconian “accountability” penalties exclusively to math and reading scores (1/)
People make a lot of jokes about voters thinking there's a big dial that controls gas prices in the oval office, but I think "low info voters have no idea what the government actually does" goes a lot deeper than that and they blame whoever is President for anything that annoys them.
If you worked in education 20 years ago (I did), you would've seen an obsession with juicing math and reading scores. One sadly common strategy was to "double dose" students performing below grade level in reading and math. What's "double dosing?" Well...(2/)
Double dosing meant scheduling students to not one but TWO blocks of reading and math every day. The theory was this would lead to rapid growth in those subjects (it was a bad theory and yes, most of us knew that at the time) (3/)
In order to "double dose" students in reading and math, of course, you had to cut something. School systems largely cut social studies and either science or art to steal the extra minutes. So a whole generation+ of kids just didn't get basic social studies. (4/)
After the peak NCLB years, science bounced back more effectively, largely because system leaders believed it to be a lucrative career field and due to effective STEM campaigning. The humanities haven't really ever fully recovered. (5/)
So now when I see lots of folks with a total dearth of knowledge of civics, I sigh and say, "yeah, of course. I was there; we didn't teach you any social studies." (6/)
tl;dr: George W. Bush was horrendous. (7/7)
Thank you! I was in it as credentialed teacher from '96 onward. Was SO BAD. Watching science and social studies just go away. And it MADE NO SENSE at the time either!