
NEW: After Netanyahu's government was caught ordering a malign influence operation against US voters last week, WIRED began questioning US lawmakers about it. We've been stonewalled at every turn. The White House even denied having heard of it.
US Leaders Dodge Questions About Israel’s Influence Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries has joined US intelligence officials in ignoring repeated inquiries about Israel’s “malign” efforts to covertly influence US voters.
Does "no response" here mean "we are deferring to State about how to respond to this diplomatic issue, and they haven't figured it out yet"?
No. It means we've reached out with questions to multiple senior staff members in each office multiple times over the past six days and received zero response.
that doesn’t make me feel good would there be a reason they would want to keep it a secret that was good?
More continued back-channel victories for current admin to claim in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.