
I am kinda sad that I haven’t been able to put holds at my library for… practically the whole year. The system suffered a major hack and while the libraries themselves are still open, it brought down so many systems and has been depriving the whole community of needed resources since 😭
I’m pretty sure this was just financially motivated on the part of the hackers, but it is obviously also a way to hobble the use of a library. I hope other libraries will take steps to harden their systems so they’re less vulnerable to hackers working for whatever agenda.
Oh no! This happened to the Toronto Public Library too (at the end of October). They were able to get ebook holds up pretty fast, but hard-copy holds took ages, and photocopying still isn’t back. There are so many systems that they must be pretty vulnerable.
Yeah, I am pretty sure after the TO hack, they went after other library systems. It seems so similar.
It was such a pain when TPL was attacked even just as a parent who wants to be able to read to her kid. So frustrating when hackers try to extort from institutions which help communities.
Yes! Go wipe out some student debt, losers!