Brittney Braxton

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Brittney Braxton

I’m a software engineer that loves painting nature with watercolor and gouache. 🎨
Added with alt text from this other article!
Oh hey happy birthday Chandra X-ray telescope!
Using the topic to share a sweet black cat named Jofeil. I wish I could adopt him but he’s a one cat kind of guy. And tbh I think Coltrane is as well 😂
Shelters get tired of naming them boring names Snowball 😂
If you see this, post your blue art! 🩵
If you see this, post your blue art! 🔹 [ #art #illustration #cats ]
Spent the weekend practicing lots of flowers! 🌸 I have a commission for a super special birthday present that's all about plants and flowers. So thankful for this opportunity!
Your big three as Tiffany Pollard tv moments ✨
I think Thelonious will have no problems getting a tiny piano! But it's difficult to see a cat-accessible saxophone 😂
How do we get them to sit still for a photo reenact of this:
I'd be so mad to be in this stupid car rental commercial and they had the audacity to give me an uneven wig.
This morning I was playing Red Dead Redemption II (i'm on my first play ever!) and I wished out loud "I just wanna find a turtle" 🥺 Fast forward to this early evening-- as I wrap up plein air painting at a park, I see a turtle!!
#Mayllennial Dial up Internet This was the success screen after America Online connected. This happy family… totally not torrenting and exploiting OWASP vulnerabilities!! If this painting makes the “Welcome” ring loudly in your mind give me a ❤️
#Mayllennial Analog vs digital This was the prompt for me to see a consistent thread since I was a kid: my love for analog journaling! Here the digital and analog blur together to form the My Password Keeper which was a voice activated locked journal. Also my diy fuzzy pipe cleaner pen!
#Mayllennial Digital pets I had a GigaPet which collab’d with the live action 101 Dalmatians Had fun painting this but forgot to add the pixel doggy😅
I'm just a silly jobless dev, looking to book some mock interviews.... crying because I can't find my timezone in this list! 😭
Appreciation for Coltrane because he is baby 👶🏽 but also he reminds vet techs that he's from Detroit and don't touch his feet! We're on visit 4 for trying to get his annual checkup done.
php and postgresql elephant are friends in my head cannon.
Joining the fun for #mayllennial! I loved boy bands when I was a kid, but these days I dig 90s girl groups way more! One of my first CDs was this one by the Backstreet Boys.
Bonus album I painted side by side!
Spring cleaning has unearthed ancient artifacts. 💿
Hey! Congrats on hitting the 400 milestone! I love what you’re painting! Here’s some of my paintings all in gouache.
Post something you made a year ago and you love it! 🕰️ I made this last summer of some pines at my local botanical gardens. I think I captured how silly and cute the pink pinecones were. I’d love to paint these again with my improved skills!
Took a 4 hour road trip to a place 2.5 hours away to experience a total solar eclipse! Took all the backroads through Ohio with minimal traffic. What’s the deal with Ohio roadkill and balloons?? It’s the saddest looking party 😭 My plein air watercolor sketch of my view just after totality!
My #PleinAirpril schedule for the year will be to focus on it on the weekends (job hunt is occupying too much time for everyday!) This past Saturday was gorgeous and I got out to my local metro park for some exploring. This is done in watercolors and sketched with Micron PN
When you see this, post pet. Coltrane da cat listening to Cowboy Carter last week. He only knocked over the speaker twice! 🐈‍⬛
When you see this, post pet. This is Sam's "Walk... Now" face.
After 15 years of doing my taxes, I'm excited to see someone making lofi playlists for the occasion! Will I finish by the end of the video? I think so if I have all of my docs ready to go.
Drop something yellow from your gallery! 💛 Coltrane da cat getting his brushes. This was from #Gouachetober from last year!
Drop something yellow from your gallery! 💛 Yellow is not a favorite of mine, but I decided to try it on this painting. The painting ended up with my aunt, who was quite taken with it. #art #painting #tradart 🎨👨‍🎨🖌
Yes and + Doremon These blues
A picrew selfie 🥰 I do have a strawberry shirt irl