Brittney Braxton

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Brittney Braxton

I’m a software engineer that loves painting nature with watercolor and gouache. 🎨
Flowers in Space!🌼 A practice piece in gouache. #art
Once I've called it out, I see this shit everywhere. This is my tech villian origin story. 🙃
I'm just a silly jobless dev, looking to book some mock interviews.... crying because I can't find my timezone in this list! 😭
These are amazing!! I can't imagine how even more special it had to be in person. It's wild how I can't read anything the pages list, but I remember the feeling of reading these scenes so so long ago.
I’d love to see Magic Knight Rayearth 🥰
Was at the CLAMP exhibit. Imagine a world where this was normal for comics.
I’m a bit belated for Moon Landing Day, but it’s a subject dear to my heart! I love the way Alan Bean painted the Moon with more color and nuance than the photos, and I like to think I’ve drawn inspiration from that, in my lunar surfaces and starry skies. #SpaceArt #SciArt #watercolor #geology
Ahoy Rami! Currently working on Sunken Stones is a turn-based game about Captains, Crew Mates and Cursed Treasure. 🏴‍☠️Choose a Captain 🦜Build your Crew 💎Collect Cursed Treasure ⚠️Wishlist and give the demo a go! ⚠️
Sunken Stones on A turn based Puzzle-Strategy game about pirates and cursed treasure. Choose a captain, gather your crew and defeat monsters by strategically placing crew mates on a grid.
I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. My first commission has safely arrived to the sender. Two days late but just in time for the birthday! 🥳
A bit of calm for today: a quilt I designed and made, using my own illustrations for the pictures in the blocks. I got the art printed on fabric by Spoonflower (where I'm artbeco), and then raided my fabric stash for the other fabrics. #artbeco #quilting #fabricdesign
Added with alt text from this other article!
Oh hey happy birthday Chandra X-ray telescope!
It's like 2015 Facebook but without the micro-transactions (yet!) Here's a quick article that shows some screenshots of it Idk, I work from home. If I wanna game, I have other options!
I regret to inform you that LinkedIn’s games are very Opening LinkedIn is not a great addition to the morning routine — and yet here we are.
Comcast goes out so my TV crashes on start. 🫠
Liah did a fantastic job! Now to get some celestial wall plates. 🌞🪐
A quick introductory guide to licensing for artists!
Pretty stoked to be a part of this beautiful team. Please check out our site!
Big announcement: our first website is LIVE! 🥳 Learn about the licensing platform we're building for the illustration community at
Armadillo started as a response to stock illustration websites adopting AI. You can read our AI policy here:
We want to give a big thank you to, Kendyll Hillegas,,, Feanne, and for letting us feature their wonderful art on our newly launched website. Go check out their work!
I have played a game on LinkedIn.
Same! The third game is terrible by the story. But I enjoyed the nostalgic skate park with that lil guy on a skateboard! Excited to see where Toys for Bob goes next as a studio.
This is why Best Friends with Nicole and Sasheer is probably one of my favorite podcast finds this year. Nicole has lost both of her parents and made a whole bit about her dead father watching over her as she binge watched Knuckles. 😂
having a friend you can make dead parent jokes with is underrated as hell. get you a morbid little freak bitch and have a giggle. real top 10 decision post parental death
Using the topic to share a sweet black cat named Jofeil. I wish I could adopt him but he’s a one cat kind of guy. And tbh I think Coltrane is as well 😂
Shelters get tired of naming them boring names Snowball 😂
Shelters get tired of naming them boring names Snowball 😂
Exciting news: Our Fediverse support grows with Pixelfed! 🚀 Schedule your photos, videos and control your social experience across decentralized networks. Share your strategy to Pixelfed with a click! The future of social media. It's here, it's free, it's federated.
Pixelfed Scheduling Free: Grow Fast In The Pixelfed scheduling is free with Fedica! Spread your content to the Fediverse now!
Things are weird and unpleasant in the news! I like to counterprogram my brain and looking at / processing photos does that for me, so hey, here are four photos of mine from my trip to Portugal. Please to enjoy. Or don't. I'm not your boss. I was, but they fired me for stealing office supplies.
I’ve heard consultants say that AI won’t take their jobs because clients still don’t know what it is they want!