Miranda Lynch, PhD

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Miranda Lynch, PhD


Quantitative scientist working in mathematical modeling, structural biology, metalloproteins, imaging, image analysis. My cat is named Professor Bounds. Pronouns: she/her. Views here are just me.
From the new Cyndi Lauper documentary 🏳️‍🌈
Libraries are one of the most radical social institutions we have, because they’re based on the idea that *everyone* has the right to information, for free. It’s also what makes them crucial to democracy. I will never stop yelling about this!
Poor people use libraries. Rich people shut them down because they don't *want* poor people to read.
Registration is open for the NYC integrative structural biology symposium (#NYCISB24) October 9-11, 2024. To register go to our event website: nyc-isb24.eventbrite.com Hope to see you this fall in NYC. #xray #nmr #cryoEM #cryoET #machinelearning #massspec #structuralbiology #biophysics
My handsome fella is helping me read papers today! Such a scholar is my Prof. Bounds. #sciencecats #catsofbluesky
Watch my students and I talk about our recently published research, and hear them share their experiences doing undergraduate research @Vassar! Grateful for the opportunity to do this as part of @actacrystf.bsky.social’s new initiative: Interviews with Authors: www.youtube.com/embed/eZhvr3...
We were incredibly disappointed with the lack of code or executable accompanying the publication of AF3 in @Nature . This contradicts scientific principles of the ability to evaluate, use, and build upon existing work. zenodo.org/records/1117.... Sign to endorse: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1F...
AlphaFold3 Transparency and Reproducibilityzenodo.org Link for endorsement signatures: https://forms.gle/d47w29eGHeL1ejXw9
My very own in-house gourmet, sampling the arugula. He is particular about his greens. Ordinary lettuce is a no go. Frisee and arugula are his faves. Boy after my own heart (and my better greens). Prof. Bounds has great taste! #catsofbluesky
HAPPY INDEPENDENT BOOKSTORE DAY. Go to your independent bookstore! Do it now! Buy books! Tell the booksellers they are wizards, literal wizards, bibliowizards of the highest order! High-five them lest they turn you into a bookmark for your impudence!
15 new SARS-CoV-2 structures this week, 212 this year (shown), for 4124 total available in the PDB. Explore them all at rcsb.org/covid19
'This award will fund teams of technology developers and users to create novel bioimaging tools at the cell-tissue scale. Successful teams will develop technologies that answer ambitious research questions or that overcome barriers to bioimaging work in low-resource settings.'
Bioimaging | Grant funding | Wellcomewellcome.org Find out how to apply for funding to develop new bioimaging tools and technologies, or make bioimaging more accessible around the world. Apply by April 2024.
When he asks why I’m wearing a mask I tell him it’s because if there is someone here wearing a mask I don’t want them to feel alone and when he points out that I’m currently the only one masked I look at him and say yes, but that could change * 213: librarianshipwreck.wordpress.com/2024/04/19/p...
Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Thirteenth Weeklibrarianshipwreck.wordpress.com When you hear them say (and you will hear them say) that avian influenza only poses a risk to farm workers do not reply by telling them "for now" no, instead remind them (and remind yourself) that far...
New calendar event! Go to tinyurl.com/2haj6m28 to read about the Neutrons in Structural Biology: Challenges and Opportunities being held from June 11-12, 2024 in Arlington, VA
Anthony James’ glass artwork “Portal Icosahedron” at the Imagine Museum - a seemingly endless viral capsid, yes please!!! #phagesky 🦠 🧪 🧬 #sciart
Hey, math ppl of all ages and talent levels.... We are about to have an eclipse! This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase some math NASA has a set of activities (from 2017 eclipse). Let's get people excited about all the cool math that is part of this stellar event! #🧮 #eclipse #mathematics
Math Challenges | Total Solar Eclipse 2017eclipse2017.nasa.gov Total Solar Eclipse 2017 - On Monday, August 21, 2017, all of North America will be treated to an eclipse of the sun. Anyone within the path of totality can see one of nature’s most awe inspiring sigh...
Announcing the winners of the AWM/MfA Essay Contest for biographies of contemporary women mathematicians!  We got 225+ submissions this year from 34 states and 11 more countries by Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12, and undergrad writers. I'm very grateful to the committee, judges, and interviewees! #MathSky
2024 Student Essay Contest Resultsawm-math.org 2024 Student Essay Contest Results
Who's at #CROI? This is the most amazing event ever. My 1st time here. So exciting to be around all this HIV and SARS-CoV-2 science. Im giddy
These have been so important to the research community!
6 new SARS-CoV-2 structures this week, 140 this year (shown), for 4052 total available in the PDB. Explore them all at rcsb.org/covid19
I always appreciate @jbouie.bsky.social’s columns but I’m particularly grateful for today’s which says with lucidity and grace something I’ve been trying to say much less successfully for years. www.nytimes.com/2024/02/23/o...
Hey #mathsky and #imaging folks. Wonderful virtual event coming up from #EMS (European Women in Mathematics). Here is a link: www.europeanwomeninmaths.org/activity/ems...
My fave boy, reaching for a sharpie. Such a dyed-in-the-wool scientist, just like his Mom! He totally lives up to his name! #catsofbluesky #sciencecats #mathcats
Please repost! Arimura Lab is hiring! We are seeking the next generation of MagICians (technicians and a postdoc) to elucidate the structural basis of events on chromosomes🧙‍♀️ No prior structural biology experience is required!! Link research.fredhutch.org/arimura/en/j...
Hey, #microscopy folks, what happened to the Micro Nano Bio microscopy feed? Is there another home for the micro/imaging crowd?
These are great, highly recommend!
We are back with our #StructuralBioinformatics webinars coordinated by Neeladri Sen and I in the context of 3DBioinfo @ELIXIREurope, 3DSig @iscb and @iscbsc! As always we will have 2 amazing speakers! March 12th at 17 hs CET/16 hs UK Register: tinyurl.com/2p97xuww
So important! Peeps, cite your software. The developers do a ton to maintain it (let alone build it in the 1st place), and the only way they can manage to support it is if they can show (to funding agencies, for ex) that it is being USED. How do they do that? With our citations!
Plea to my fellow academics: CITE YOUR SOFTWARE. I'm hearing from several young scholars that they've given up on writing R packages and such because nobody cites them. Yet download stats and rep materials clearly show that they are being used. This is plagiarism, and it slows down innovation
Always updating the Theoretical Biophysics conferences page sites.google.com/view/marco-m... and our initiatives sites.google.com/view/theoret... Check out also the seminars that we organise sites.google.com/view/popdyn/...
My post #BPS bluesky rant. How do we get this community to be more prominent? I left 'other' for a reason, but it was all I saw at BPS. Also, the feeds seem an imperfect community building mechanism. Is there an unoffensive way to keep them on topic? I want my science community back!
Yay, the ACA is here on bluesky! Hey, structural ppl, give them a follow and let's make the structural science community here strong! @acastructuralsci.bsky.social #chemsky 🧬🧶
Yes, bad news, but there is still hope. If you live east of the Rockies plant milkweed. Northbound Monarchs will find it and lay eggs on it. And don’t forget to plant fall wildflowers for southbound Monarchs to find food. monarchjointventure.org/blog/eastern...
Eastern Monarch Butterfly Population Falls to Less than One Hectare…monarchjointventure.org Monarch butterflies occupied 0.9 hectares, 1.31 less than the 2.21 hectares in the 2022-2023 overwintering season. This is the first time since the…