
FYI: Ari Emanuel is also best pals with Elon Musk. He's the guy hosing down a pasty, bloated Elon on his yacht in those horrifying pictures from two summers ago. Maybe that context matters to you, maybe it doesn't, just putting it out there.
ok no fooling he just lost the brother of the former chief of staff of the administration he was VP for. donezo
Rahm Emanuel tried to get The Boring Company into Chicago, and would have gotten away with it too if not for the meddling voters. Ezekiel Emanuel was an early Tesla Roadster buyer, who sources say Musk saw as his route into the White House's good graces, which definitely worked out for him.
All of which is to say: if not for these three fuckers, Tesla would never have gotten the government bailout it needed to survive, and we wouldn't have wasted a decade not doing real EV policy because Tesla totally has it covered. Fuck the Emanuels, as a staff, a record label, and a mfing crew.
They didn’t “lose” him, he was always looking to shiv the campaign imo. I’m not saying they didn’t give him that opportunity even but it’s not like he wouldn’t have found one