
FYI: Ari Emanuel is also best pals with Elon Musk. He's the guy hosing down a pasty, bloated Elon on his yacht in those horrifying pictures from two summers ago. Maybe that context matters to you, maybe it doesn't, just putting it out there.
ok no fooling he just lost the brother of the former chief of staff of the administration he was VP for. donezo
Rahm Emanuel tried to get The Boring Company into Chicago, and would have gotten away with it too if not for the meddling voters. Ezekiel Emanuel was an early Tesla Roadster buyer, who sources say Musk saw as his route into the White House's good graces, which definitely worked out for him.
All of which is to say: if not for these three fuckers, Tesla would never have gotten the government bailout it needed to survive, and we wouldn't have wasted a decade not doing real EV policy because Tesla totally has it covered. Fuck the Emanuels, as a staff, a record label, and a mfing crew.
A bailout, by the way, that Elon scammed his way into by telling Daimler that the government had approved it already when the government in fact said Tesla needed to partner with an OEM like Daimler in order to get it. He even pulled a "funding secured" before Tesla had a complete application in!
Elon Musk, who decries and lambasts socialism lives off of socialism.
They didn’t “lose” him, he was always looking to shiv the campaign imo. I’m not saying they didn’t give him that opportunity even but it’s not like he wouldn’t have found one
i mean political megadonor and bundler puts you in a pretty exclusive echelon of asshole and this one is on team blue, not to mention brother of Obama's former Chief of Staff which i think kind of means something in terms of how the foundations of the party apparatus are shifting
i dont think he's really team blue. he's one of the many billionaire or billionaire-adjacent bros who pretend to be team blue so he can fuck with team blue
his brother was chief of staff for Obama. what kind of conspiracy are we working on here
Obama was extremely good to Elon, Biden hasn't been. I don't think it's so out there to suggest that their loyalties are drifting with/toward Musk, away from Biden. All they seem to care about is money and power, and I can't see any of them suffering much under another Trump administration.
(I assume this is close to what you mean by "foundations shifting")
how is this at all about Musk except for your post about how he's friends with Musk
Not sure how else to put it. Musk and the Emanuels are a political faction that was once able to launder their self interest as policy via the Dems and now isn't, so they have drifted away. I think Emanuel is "helping" here the same way Musk's suggestions for the Dems "help" (they don't).
rahm was barely team blue himself for one thing. for another thing brothers do not necessarily share politics. for a third thing the shit he's saying here is exactly the kind of thing someone would say if they wanted to pretend to be helpful while they undermine you.
to me "obama's former chief of staff's brother says some shitty shit, that means its over!" is a lot more conspiracy fodderish than "dont listen to some random friend of elon musk shit-talking."
one of the largest and most prolific megadonors to the party of the last several decades with direct familial ties to an administration the candidate was a part of is a pretty obvious connection?
What it means is that Obama is fine with being friends with pieces of shit, which makes him a piece of shit, too. The entire fucking Emanuel family are massive pieces of shit.
guys i promise i don't like Rahm or Ari Emanuel and it is not my idea or problem that they've been at the upper levels of the Dem party apparatus for years it is Biden's problem
This guy? What year is it?
i cannot emphasize enough that I do not like either of them and its not my fault or idea to have them in the middle of the Democratic party for the last several decades, its Biden's problem
He's talking nonsense about the ballot stuff AFAIK. But if he thinks Biden is irreplaceable, why is he trashing Biden?🤔
Anybody who uses the term “fuck city” at the very least has my attention
I think that was GOB Bluth's planned housing development for singles who were dtf.
I'd love to see another source on this other than a Twitter conspiracy theorist. Dude is tweeting about hunters laptop as much as anything else.
Somebody (Me! I volunteer.) needs to tell Ari Emanuel to STFU. If he thinks Biden is bad, he can watch Reagan in the 1984 campaign when the guy had onset of Alzheimer's. Of course, the shitposters of record (hello ignored it.
The entire Emanuel family sucks.
At least those two famous brothers. Not informed about the rest
Zeke is a massive piece of shit, too.
I also have no idea what the heck he's talking about with ballot deadlines.
Well he has lots of money, so he must be smarter than the rest of us 🙄
He's also an idiot. That ballot access stuff he's talking about is 100% wrong.
Does being a rich dipshit preclude being influential in the democratic party
The Entourage guy? Aspen Ideas? 🥱
As someone who will buy anything an Emanuel brother is selling as well as being a horse kick to the head survivor, I for one am sold
Absolutely none of these people are going to get behind Harris
"KanekoaTheGreat" is also a gigantic qanon supporter fwiw
According to folks in the entertainment business, Jeremy Pivin's characterization of him in Entourage was "understated."
“The lifeblood of a campaign is money” For local offices, sure. Congress, sure. POTUS in 2020 going forward, so long as the GOP exists — the lifeblood of the Democratic campaign is a razorkeen awareness that the Republicans are violent terrorists. Biden doesn’t need cash.
Despite media and the polls saying Trump is a contender — he isn’t. Trump is an albatross around the neck of the GOP. His ego and treason and crimes and the craven bigotry of his cadre have already decided the 2024 election.
Biden could spend $0.00 on a campaign going forward and still he would win. Because the alternative is unacceptable.
this does improve my experience thank you
I need to buy another thing of crisco