
My latest ADHD ~ hack ~ is eating a big brunch instead of lunch on work days. I'm always hungry before "regular" lunch time anyway and struggle to make it through until it's "okay" to eat lunch, at which point I have to stop everything, lose focus, and eat. So i decided to not do that any more.
Now I eat a big-ass anything (this morning I'm having italian sausage and peppers with pasta) between like 9:30-11am and I'm not worried about meal planning for the rest of the day. I have a solid 6-hour stretch of not being interrupted by food tasks. And best of all, I'm not fucking hungry!
My co-workers thought I was mad, but I was always a 10:30 lunch guy.
Whenever I was compelled to have lunch after noon, I was tired for the rest of the day. Never with the midmorning meal. (Plus and I beat the rush at the food court!)
boy howdy i love to beat a lunch rush