
My latest ADHD ~ hack ~ is eating a big brunch instead of lunch on work days. I'm always hungry before "regular" lunch time anyway and struggle to make it through until it's "okay" to eat lunch, at which point I have to stop everything, lose focus, and eat. So i decided to not do that any more.
Now I eat a big-ass anything (this morning I'm having italian sausage and peppers with pasta) between like 9:30-11am and I'm not worried about meal planning for the rest of the day. I have a solid 6-hour stretch of not being interrupted by food tasks. And best of all, I'm not fucking hungry!
My co-workers thought I was mad, but I was always a 10:30 lunch guy.
Whenever I was compelled to have lunch after noon, I was tired for the rest of the day. Never with the midmorning meal. (Plus and I beat the rush at the food court!)
boy howdy i love to beat a lunch rush
My partner and I complain about “being interrupted by food tasks” all the time. Lol
You're a genius and also peppers and onions are one of the best things in the universe and I think I'll have that for dinner. Thank you!
This was basically what I was doing before my recent health issues & it worked out SO WELL. I can still kind of do it, but it's less effective now since I still have to have a small snack somewhere in those morning hours.
I wish I could do that. I tentatively try to get something around 7h30 with thé kids and if I take my methylphenidate in the same moment i'm not hungry until 4.30pm.
I do big for early brunch (9-11 thereabouts) then I eat small in the early evening. Keeps me from pounding down something before bedtime and regretting it for the next 16 hours.
I get away with having my lunch at around 10:30am because most of my coworkers are 1 hour ahead of me, so we end up taking "lunch" at the same time. It works PERFECTLY
My brain doctor keeps insisting I need to eat protein first thing in the morning and while I agree this is probably ideal, I am rarely hungry first thing in the morning before I've had my coffee, and trying to eat when I'm not hungry is 🤢