
If you live in NE-2 (Omaha), your Presidential vote may be the highest leverage in American history. Nebraska awards 1 EV to the winner of each Congressional District, with 2 additional EV going to the statewide winner. If Biden wins his 2020 states, except NV, AZ & GA, NE-2 decides the election.
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IF (huge IF) there is 269/269 tie, the GOP would almost certainly have the votes in the House to hand the Presidency to Trump. Each state gets 1 vote in the House. There are currently 26 states with a GOP majority delegation, 22 states with a Dem majority delegation & 2 states with evenly split.
That raises another issue that needs addressing with a Constitutional amendment. Not only must be eliminate the Electoral College, we must also eliminate the option for Congress to decide the election if it is a tie. The popular vote must be the standard for determining the winner of an election.
Texas must have heard you because they are probably going to go with an electoral college for statewide elections.
Georgia did that, too, before SCOTUS slapped it down. Not at all surprised to see Texas trying to resurrect it, and I honestly expect GA GOPers to do the same if TX is successful.
I'm afraid that even if the tally favors Biden but narrowly, with narrow margins in a state or two, the same course of action may get followed, by the GOP rejecting electors.
We will see. I certainly would not eliminate that as a possibility.
FWIW that vote would be taken after the swearing-in of the next Congress, and would use numbers adjusted by the results this coming November rather than current tallies.
I fully intend to let this power go to my head.
It was a mistake for Maine to not abolish the congressional district system, and with that pairing I would have been fine with Nebraska doing the same. Proportional allocation of EVs would, hypothetically, be good. The district method is bad and actually worse than the usual winner take all.
Some reform minded folks sometimes bring up expanding the ME/NE system to other states, but it actually makes the likelihood of an NPV/EC inversion worse. Romney would have won in 2012 if every state used that method, for example. And it incentivizes gerrymandering even more, as we saw for NE-2.