
On Monday, the prosecution and defense will submit their sentencing briefs to Justice Merchan with regard to the 34 felony convictions of Former President Donald Trump. If I were an ADA, I would include Trump’s false statements about the case during last night’s debate in their own section.
Right? It's still a gag order. I bet he thinks that won't matter. I hope they jail his lying ass.
Will the probation report be publicly available?
The probation report ordinarily would not be publicly available, but the parties’ briefs ordinarily would be. You can often glean a lot about the probation report from what the parties say about it in their briefs.
I hope the state has fun with the sentencing brief. There’s a lot to say. The lack of contrition, the number of counts, the goal of deceiving the electorate to cover a political scandal…
> I did nothing wrong. We’d have a system that was rigged and disgusting. I did nothing wrong. Yea, does seem like it’ll be impossible for him to express remorse about it before the judge in any convincing way.
I keep saying this is why the average sentence for non-violent first time offender class E felony isn’t a good metric—most of those people can at least convincingly feign contrition.
And "first time offender" needs an asterisk given the civil finding that he committed fraud.
CONTEMPT and SLANDER may NOT be JUST words Teflon don!
I’d guess someone was taking notes. There’s no question that he was aware he was addressing the public. I’m sure he has alluded to audience size so all that should comprise a definition of public (and willfully recorded) utterance. Pretty strong evidence, eh?