
Billionaire board members feeling peer pressure to take drugs with Elon because if they don't they think Musk will be angry and cut them out of his companies and life. The world is so stupid.
Sources: some Tesla and SpaceX directors have consumed drugs with Elon Musk feeling there is an expectation to do so, raising concerns about their independence (Wall Street Journal) Main Link | Techmeme Permalink
musk is now the annoying dealer that makes you smoke weed with him and watch ancient aliens for an hour
wouldn’t need to he’d see me tanking a sheet of acid while he’s scromiting on the floor under the weight of his inadequacy and do what needs to be done
The white bro dealers are wayyyy worse in this regard too. With them, you're constantly at risk for getting ensnared in the most tedious, pseudo-intellectual convo of your life. Just lemme get my nuggetry, exchange a few brief pleasantries, and get back to my life.
when I used to sell as a young 20something people LOVED me because I would give them their shit and fuck off
Literally the one quality any dealer can have that used to make me a regular was 'gives me my shit, says 'have a good one', and fucks right off so I can do the shit I just bought in peace'.
This should be the standard, but some people take it soooo personally. But I'm there just wanting to get baked as hell in my pajamas with, at most, my partner and pets around before consuming a copious amount of Taco Bell in an extremely unladylike way ASAP
Weed is legal in Washington and ours is right next to the Taco Bell. It's quite nice that I can hit those two up after some errands with the same casualness of swinging by the local liquor shop. Incidentally, we can buy liquor in supermarkets. *Starts singing* It's the circle of vice!
can somebody please please please explain to that guy that there are lots of broke people who would (visibly) non-judgementally sit around and do drugs with him
I don't know who that is, but I couldn't understand a single word with the extreme vocal fry he's using. He's going to destroy his vocal cords pretty quickly singing that way.
I'm thinking undiagnosed mental illness
Well, taking ketamine, without any sort of medical oversight is incredibly stupid.
I watched him bounce up onto the stage, but i didn't make it even two seconds into the song – and I use that word only metaphorically – before hitting stop. Sure does seem like he has some serious issues. And forget singing, he's not even going to be able to *talk* by the time he's 40.
"Truly I tell you," Vaginal Jesus said, " this night, before the bars close, you will deny you were a member of this band three times." "No!" Seth insisted. "Even if I lose all credibility in the local scene, I will never deny it!" And he did anyway, and was found to be a liar.
That too...that's the reason why a lot of people in Boston scene wanted no association with him
stoners are the worst tbh; being confined to a small room as dunning kruger ramps up while they waffle on about entry level philosophy and aggressively play boomer music like pink floyd. if someone tried pressuring me into smoking weed with them i would simply kill them
Pink Floyd is still dope regardless of their era of prominence. The line must be drawn, here! This far! No farther!
pink floyd is still overrated regardless of their era of prominence the line has to be drawn here! this far and no further!!
I respect your opinion. There’s no accounting for taste and music is a subjective experience. But we’re fighting now.
sorry but i only listen to objectively factually good music
Try beaver and krause
I believe Mr. Musk has demanded we round up those immigrants which are pushing drugs and deport them?
That's only for the drugs used by people who are too young or too dark-skinned. Not Elon's drugs. Also, obligatory context: Elon and other wingers don't know this, but the drug pushers aren't deportable
There was a time institutional investors would frown upon news of a CEO and BoD doing drugs as a group. It’s good to see those old fashioned notions have washed away.
If only they'd extend such courtesies to the rest of the workforce too.
Yeah, I was thinking about what that says about the governance and oversight a board provides. I mean, I know it's obvious, but it's hard to argue the guys who are afraid to say no to getting zooted with the CEO were fearlessly protecting investor interests when they ok'd his 54B paycheck.
Tesla's code of conduct described the electric-vehicle maker as a drug-free workplace and prohibits all employees, including executives, from using them, even out of the office.
The CEO is special. Only the BoD can discipline the CEO. And in this case the CEO and BoD are may have been doing lines of Special K in the board room.
Love that this company with 140,000 employees is being run by people who would flunk out of DARE.
I have it on good authority that you can always Just Say No
Having courtiers never goes well
This is the essence of the issue, isn't it?
Kinda sucks they're doing all these drugs and still have zero empathy in their bodies for their own workers.
Elon’s reported drugs of choice tend to flatten the “give a damn” mechanisms and boost the “paranoid narcissism” mechanisms…
That’s hard to believe. He seems so stable and compassionate.
Thank you for making me read this in his voice.
Nothing makes for a fun trip like fear, greed, and duress.