
kamala harris running for president is currently a non-starter. now, maybe it was my correctly picking wes clark, jon huntsman, rick perry, and pete buttigieg for president, but if she can just get nancy mace as her running mate, that's a guaranteed unity ticket. i haven't had a real job in 35 years
guys who crossed party lines to vote Kasich in 2016 primary nod in agreement.
I did that but it was more about knowing they would never let Bernie win anyways and at least maybe it would hurt trump a little, also it was Ohio, the only state where he could (and did) win. Fair play that I’m not really representative of the typical person who did this, though.
Also I’ve only been out of a job for three years tyvm
Don’t worry, I’ll be getting spam from the Ohio GOP until fifty years after I die even though I haven’t lived there since 2016, so I’m getting my punishment.
Strange how they took my spouse (still registered D) off the voter rolls way quicker than they got around to doing me
Thank you for saying this that’s why we call you the ragin floridajan
C"mon, you left out Joe Manchin. How dare we not give him the attention he craves? 🤪
Congratulations to @Mobute on his new job as Chris Matthews
Why exactly is it a 「 non-starter 」 ‽
Oh you’re joking gah sorry I’m on edge from seeing people seriously say that shit
pretty sure he is considering the “i haven’t had a real job in 35 years” part
probably saying the journalists and whoever else keeps saying stuff like that don’t have real jobs
Unfortunately, the flaw in that would be that in a lot of states, that’s too late/illegal to do at this time. But there are two ways to get Biden off of the ballet: Death and removal. Resigning is unlikely due to Biden’s stubbornness and pride. So the democrats have three options:
1 Assassination. Although, we don’t live in Julius Cesar times, we can’t simply “et tu Brutus?” And stab him 28 times. 2. Wait patiently for him to die. Unlikely to happen between now and November. 3. Impeachment. That is also unlikely because they don’t want to prove Trump right.
I haven’t given a thought to John “Captain Beefheart was great before they went commercial” Huntsman in years.
I really wanted Jed Bartlett....but even Goober Pyle would be better than Donald Trump.....