Mollie Stratton

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Mollie Stratton

I go to 11. Deeply out of onions. Horror is the best genre. 🤘🏼 she/her/bro

Ichi the Killer stan account

Discord: mstrat
Life hack: if you were born in a female body but you are a man and you wanna know what it would be like to be treated like one bc you’re an egg just starting your journey just go on Reddit: a place where no matter what ppl will go ahead and assume you are male all day every day.
Damn this Baby Reindeer show really messed me up what a great goddamn show.
I bet he cries if u call him tim yorke
ngl the term “Redditor” has always sounded like a disease to me. Like leper but for modern day. Like, are we sure it’s not a slur? Anyway of course I am one but that might just prove my point.
In my mind the pyramid dimension they go to at the end of The Void is the same one as the mirror dimension they go into at the end of Prince of Darkness. I just know they all met up and have so many fun adventures in hell together.
I’m starting to genuinely fear never not hearing the Girls 5eva theme song in my head. Damn that Jeff Richmond and his incredible ability to write catchy songs. IT feels like I just got that Kimmy Schmidt theme out of my brain.
My humble city view last night.
Have any of y'all seen Monkey Man yet? I really liked it a lot. I didn't expect Zakir Hussain and a gang of totally badass trans ladies to show up but that surely made me love it a lot more! Plus fight scenes you can actually follow. Love that. So sick of the lazy shaky cam/quick cut bs! Recommend!
Some ppl recently are calling any method of typing to someone “texting”. Please stop doing this. You are not communicating clearly. DMing someone is not “texting” them. It will only take one tight timeline emergency to show you how bad this can be. Get your shit together. Rant over. 😂😘
I celebrated the eclipse tonight by driving in my city at dusk and having the extremely bright LED headlights burn my corneas.
A guy just walked by my window holding a rolled up yoga mat like one might a long gun and for a split second that’s what I thought it was. America brain? 😵‍💫
These cherry blossoms are right outside my front door. 🤍
Event Horizon is just the gifted kids space program to becoming a cenobite.
When you get up for .5 seconds.
MUTED WORDS 😃 !!! sorry for yelling. muted words ʸᵃᵃᵃʸ 😌🧘🏻🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♂️☺️
There's this wild Lovecraftian horror to a grown adult talking about how great it'll be when AI can make full-length movies and books based on a few prompts, because you suddenly realize they've only ever seen shadows dancing on the cave wall for their whole life. Nothing has meant anything to them.
Mutual Aid Request: Need $25.50 for a weekly transit pass and some money for groceries to get me through the coming week. Anything helps. Please share 🫂💖
If anyone’s looking for an entertaining & interesting podcast to listen to you should check out the latest ep of Darknet Diaries. I mean, I recommend all the episodes but I recommend the latest one too.
Useful post for the newcomers... Especially this: "there is an est'd community norm to simply block trolls & assholes rather than engaging w/ them & getting them rage-clicks...You shld consider blocking at the 1st sign that someone is not engaging w/you in good faith. Do not quote-tweet & spread it"
Friends, I wrote up a quick guide to getting started on Bluesky for folks who are used to old Science Twitter. Please share it with your folks who are joining. And please let me know if I missed anything or got anything wrong. 🧪
Bluesky is now open. Science Twitter, here’s how to use it! The once-great science twitter is, depending on who you talk to, either dying or dead. Once a vibrant place for many discussions related to my fields of marine biology, ocean conservation, and publ…
Can’t sleep. The full moon’s fucking up my waterbed.
I should get a content warning tattoo.
Please yes for the love of all that is good please can we finally get rid of this shit? I don't even know which one this is saying we would be switching to permanently but let's just do it! Oregon: let's fucking go.
‘Ditch the switch’: Oregon to consider bill making Pacific Standard Time Joining a coalition of western states, Oregon is set to consider a bill that would make Pacific Standard Time permanent amid calls to end Daylight Saving Time.
Look at this bday card my family gave me. lol rascals.
Watching a fine old art film called “Ichi the Killer”.
Just saw this on Reddit. They transvestigsted Mac from Always Sunny.