
There's this wild Lovecraftian horror to a grown adult talking about how great it'll be when AI can make full-length movies and books based on a few prompts, because you suddenly realize they've only ever seen shadows dancing on the cave wall for their whole life. Nothing has meant anything to them.
they're paperclip optimizers, all of them they know nothing except "more thing = more points" they talk about "we need a trillion humans so we can have thousands of Mozarts" but they know nothing about Mozart except that he's a cultural trophy they can claim, a thing to score points with
"We need a trillion humans so we can have a thousand Mozarts." Then you tell them we already have a thousand Mozarts, most of whom are being bombed, starving to death, working minimum wage jobs and the very few who ARE being Mozart reincarnated, aren't acknowledged at all by these clowns.
This was a point made on her podcast: that the untapped computing power currently in the world is overwhelmingly in the brains of poor people, who have to spend it surviving rather than being Mozart. (I’m simplifying, but that’s the essence)
It was the main talking point in a kürzgesagt video too. That being altruism can be made into a selfish trait, because trying to ensure poor people get what they need can lead to benefits down the line like scientific breakthroughs and cultural leaps.
What was the name of the video please?
Which episode, please?
I think it’s this one, but may have been the episode before.
Same type of guys who assert that men are more likely to be exceptional, asking why there wasn't a female Mozart. When Nannerl is right there the historical record.
Do they think Mozart would be writing classical music in 2024? Or that the best songwriters in the world are less important because they aren't?
Both probably. Idk it reeks of "anything short of classical music is the same as mumble rap and mumble rap is bad music that gangsters listen to." Maybe I'm reading too far into this.
the thing about these people is that they're stupid and incurious but also OBSESSED with looking smart and cultured, and even worse, they have no concept of the difference between LOOKING smart and cultured and actually BEING smart and cultured semblance and substance are indistinguishable to them
But it's the version of cultured from 1974
When Bezos and Musk say they want a trillion humans (aside: why not people?) it’s not because they want a thousand Mozarts. It’s because they’re burning through employees so fast they can actually calculate when the planet’s going to be fed up with them. Poverty is incomprehensible to them.
a life lived as the guy in the "Wow, cool robot" meme. it's breathtaking.
all the ideas are like "what if Rambo, but starring The Rock!"
That’s just Trump’s presidency as imagined by Trump voters.
They have zero interest in art, shared experience, or being surprised. Movies and books are nothing but a distraction to them. It sounds very, very sad.
… and their idea of art is the industrial-fascist cold aesthetics of white and grey „antique Roman“ „art“.
I do use books and movies as pure distractions sometimes, but keywords here are “nothing but”, indeed.
The average movie-goer isn't interested in nuance or anything deep and rarely cares about the love behind a project. They just want something to do for 2 hours. To them whether a movie was years in the making or was made in minutes by AI doesn't matter.
No I don't think this is true at all
People want good movies which engage them and have reasons to watch. Every AI movie would be the exact some bullshit but in a different location.
Tom Haverford going "I'm having an emotional reaction to this art, is that normal?" but as tragedy instead of farce.
I have strong thoughts about jangling keys 6 in the context of the broader shiny tinfoilverse
And my strong thoughts are thus: "more keys!"
Imagining some chud impatiently demanding the AI to produce "Star Wars but not woke"
… but someone already made Battlefield Earth. (Though making the Scientologists mad at AI would be the end of THAT experiment.)
That could also be a title for the prompt “Eurovision but not woke or political”
The only kind of entertainment they really connect to is pornography.
I don’t know if it was you, but someone said about six months ago that clearly they’re just all watching porn all the time and think that’s the world—and it felt like half the world came together at once. So obvious but I was oblivious.
Many reasons I left the church but one of them was that I simply do not believe all people have souls
Philosophical zombies?
Aristotle would tell you people have at least three souls (vegetable, animal, rational) but apparently a lot of us were bluffing about the third one :)
Well, unlike Aristotle I at least grant that all of them are people
I relate to that. To me, I think the process of church service itself is soulless. Just fill-in week-by-week prompt, songs/books, say these phrases, and boom, you got a service! The only thing that possibly makes church unique is the homily, and even that can be phoned in depending on the preacher.
this is like, the charitable conclusion too. an alternative take is that theyre so cravenly profit-minded theyre willing to upend the entirety of the creative sphere and lock us all in individual cubes of useless, make-your-own-slop AI "content" purely to make money
They don’t understand what it is about any particular piece of art that they think they like and they don’t know how to articulate it.
Remember when a lot of people were running around saying "My WIFE?" I keep thinking about a hypothetical future where people keep quoting THEIR Borat and it's all different quotes.
You have to believe other people are real before art can matter to you. If everyone else is a NPC, why bother trying to understand their inner lives? There are a lot of people running around today who've never met another actual human being, whose life is just as real as theirs.
Gonna be real bad when all the AI WW2 movies where the Nazis win start getting shared all over Twitter