
just read the phrase "mixed-weight relationship." think i'm gonna go stare directly into the sun until it sets, then i might wander barefoot into the woods and let whatever happens happen
Lmao- why are people so weird?
I have a theory on this. Some people cannot hear language specifically crafted for talking about issues of actual harm or injustice without thinking "this should also apply to my pet peeve"
Conflating individual problems with structural ones is… persistent.
My ur-example will always be "woke". A useful word for referring to awareness of structural racism and injustice, hijacked by 2016 liberals to mean "socially progressive" and then immediately hijacked by 2017 conservatives to mean both "anything even slightly progressive" and "communist paedophile"
But, and this is important, you wouldn't have got the second hijacking without the first.
Emotional labor shifting from acts people do under capitalism to regulate their own emotion in order to serve their employer to being a friend always bugs me
(Even though I didn’t mind the discussion of it as acts that women do to regulate men’s behavior so I’m part of the problem)
i think the women & men usage of it is valid, especially when you think of who usually writes all the holiday cards, organizes family events, etc etc. But using it in the context of *friendships* really chaps my ass
Gaslighting going from "coordinated campaign to make someone think they can't trust their senses" to "disagreeing with me"
Lmao my 12 year old recently told me I was gaslighting her for telling her she needed to go outside- if you wonder how much that term has collapsed
social media is just three is-ought fallacies in a trench coat
I mean, fatphobia is structural and I think there is a time and place to talk about couples in fiction where one is fat and the other is not. Obviously, that doesn't excuse the racism.