
So, you're against investigations, then. Got it. Also, seem to have trouble with new concepts. Al Franken was a great Senator who stood up to the right wing and fought back effectively and eloquently. It's why GOP were so happy to help Democrats take him out.
Raw Video: Franken Spars With Sessions In Tense Sen. Hearing YouTube video by WCCO - CBS Minnesota
I wish I had a champion for myself like Andy O is for Democrats. I wish they cared about me.
Thank you. (?) Democrats cover a broad spectrum and we're getting much betters ones. Here in Wisconsin I am represented by both Tammy Baldwin and Mark Pocan, and working for their re-election. Oh, and Al Franken was is a champion for marriage equality and freedom!
Senator Al Franken for Americans for Marriage YouTube video by Human Rights Campaign
Have you noticed you don't deal with the substance of the public issues and, instead, engage in vacuous personal attacks? And LOTS of them.
It’s not an ad hominem if I call you a fuckface because I don’t think because you are a fuckface your argument is wrong, I think you are a fuckface because you argument is wrong
But way to be the one millionth man on the internet to explain logical fallacies to me incorrectly I think you get a balloon.
Calling me names it not ad hominem. All righty then.... Unfollowing you was a real good call.
Ad hominem is “this guy works at Foot Locker, his opinion is worthless” Ad hominem is not, “this guy is an asshole” Hope that helps.
JFC. Ignoring the substance and responding with an insult is precisely ad hominem. Look it up. You guys think you can just fabricate new definitions and that somehow is persuasive. No, it just makes you look, well, where to begin...
No actually that’s incorrect too- af hominem is saying something about you to imply that your argument is wrong- all I know about you is your argument is wrong and it’s led me to insult you. You literally can’t read the definition you provided.
Which is not how one should define a term or art but I mean if you must
If all insults were ad hominem why would we need another word. But also what you actually mean here- is when women get upset about my sexist ways they can’t dispute it they just become overcome with emotions and have to insult me
But I’m just insulting you because you deserve it for being a fuckface
Hahaha ilu molly hahaha Chuckle for real
Really digging in on that dumb redefinition of a widely known concept, eh? All to avoid admitting you shared common cause with Roger Stone, oppose respecting the will of the voters and oppose due process. Vapid and childish.
No you literally do not understand the term- also I wasn’t trying to discredit your argument- I don’t even find your boring sexist drivel worthy of it
Gawd you're tedious. I post definitions of the term but you make your own up, so you must be right! Nothing I have said is sexist, just your re-imagination of what I said. - Respect the will of the voters. - Respect due process. I will add "never close ranks with Roger Stone," but you do you.
I reiterate- you’re the worst.
Hey! Former philosophy professor here. and are right: an insult does not an ad hominem make. An ad hominem is something very specific, and it has the basic form, “you suck, THEREFORE you are wrong.”
I didn’t study philosophy, is there a term for a person who hurts their own arguments by being an abrasive and completely unsympathetic person? Like, maybe their points are valid but nobody wants to listen to them because they’re annoying?
They don't want to listen because the arguments are very strong and, outside of insular social media communities, have won the debate. Also, their minds are tightly closed.
Okay, but Al Franken wasn’t removed from office, he resigned. Best case scenario, he reflected on his past actions, felt shame, and resigned so a less compromised Dem could take his place. Is the argument Democrats act with integrity? Or are you saying that sexpests shouldn’t resign?
"Your argument is wrong and also demonstrates you are a fuckface" =/= "Your argument is wrong because you are a fuckface."
It’s true I hate to admit that sometimes fuckfaces make good points- not this fuckface of course
She went straight to insults and never addressed the arguments. - She does not respect the will of the voters. - She supports removing people from office over simple accusations and opposes due process. How they do holler when I make these points. Or that others saw it differently.
'Saturday Night Live' women defend Franken after groping Three dozen women who worked with Franken during his tenure on SNL came out in defense of the senator.
A powerful man has defenders pack it all in.
Yes, she went straight to insulting you. It's still not an ad hominem. For it to be an ad hominem, she would have had to actually address your argument. Because she didn't, it's just an insult.
Has it occurred to you that you didn’t make an argument worthy of anyone’s attention? That no one cares? That if you picked up a stray insult it is coincidental, relating merely to your character and having little if anything to do with your tedious argument?
I voted for him, and him resigning was the right call. You can't abuse people and still represent their interests honestly.